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The Avatars

Directed by Joqhr
Genre: Action, Science Fiction
Rated PG13
Published on January 15th, 2022
Inspired by Marvel Studios
Apart of the Joqhr Bookmatic Universe Phase One


November 3rd, 1933

[We are flowing through a forest. Seeing many animals and many trees. Then, we hear someone starting to narrate. This is Maya narrating to us. Leader of the Ronin Samurai Clan. What is that you may ask? Let's find out]

Age: 571
Looks: Female, White Skin, Gray Hair, Muscles
Samurai God
Clever, Skillful, Understandable

Maya [Narrating]
Defensive. Strange. Community. It's all a one characteristic line. In this world, there's many story's no one has ever heard about. There even many be a animal squad, or a person with never dying powers. This world has many secrets behind its wrath, and one of this secrets is The Ronin Clan. What it is? Let me take you on a explanation

[Unexpectedly, we go through the forest. going through trees and leaves. But the most important thing is, we went through a shield bubble, and inside is The Ronin Base. It's very pretty, it has many buildings, many good people, and many samurai's.]

Maya [Narrating]
The Ronin Clan is a very secret team. This all started off with one person. Shinobu, my husband.

Age: 5221
Looks: Male, Mustage, Scars, White Skin
Samurai God
Clever, Skillful, Problematic

Maya [Narrating]
Shinobu was the leader and protector of The Ronin Clan. He cared about all samurai's very much. He would even put his own life at risk to save us all. But until... he started a war... against a guy named Owen The Menace

Age: 4021
Looks: Male, Blonde Hair, Scars, White Skin
Samurai God
Clever, Skillful, Dangerous

Maya [Narrating]
Owen The Menace had his own team of samurai's. Named the Shogun's. But, Shinobu got a little to greedy and attacked Owen's base and stole there loot. Leaving it completely destroyed and dead, and that's when... the war started. Owen ever since that day, he's seeking for revenge. He wants revenge. For many years, he's been searching for The Ronin Clan base along with his partner King Toasted.

Age: 6190
Looks: Male, Brown Hair, Red Eyes, Brown Skin
Samurai Fire God
Clever, Skillful, Dangerous, Leadership

Maya [Narrating]
It took them many years to find the base, and when they did, they interfered immediately

[We go inside of a flashback of the situation. We see Shinobu sitting down in the middle of a circle fire. He's meditating and relaxing. Praying to the Samurai Gods. He takes a deep breath and starts humming]

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