The Menace

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The Menace

April 3rd, 2032

[Up in the clouds, we see a very huge object flying around. But this isn't any ordinary object, this is a ship, and this ain't any ordinary ship, it's Owen The Menace's ship. Inside the ship we see Owen The Menace. He's sitting down on his throne, waiting for King Toasted to get back, and he finally did]

King Toasted
Master! I'm here...

[King Toasted bows down]

Owen The Menace
Did you do it?

King Toasted
Yes master...

[King Toasted stands up and looks at Owen The Menace]

King Toasted
The Ronin Base is officially destroyed

[Owen The Menace smirks]

Owen The Menace
Perfect... did you get what I asked for?

King Toasted
Yes master

[King Toasted pulls out the Reversetron! Owen gets up from his throne and walks towards it. His eyes opens in a way like he finally saw the thing he was looking for, expect, that's exactly how Owen The Menace is feeling]

King Toasted
But the thing is... it needs to charge in order to work

Owen The Menace
I'll handle it

[Owen The Menace grabs the Reversetron in excitement]

King Toasted
Now what master?

Owen The Menace
With this... we can bring our home back... we just need to charge it... go to the place where it got destroyed... and this marvelous thing will reverse the thing and my town will be back...

[King Toasted kneels to Owen The Menace]

King Toasted
Whatever it takes.

[Owen The Menace smirks]

Owen The Menace
Whatever it takes.

[Cut to where we see Maya, Blaze, and Oneeye walking through a complete flat grassland]

So uh... mind tell us where we're going?

We're going to Arkala

What's a Arkala?

Arkala is a small town, where my brother Holden as started training people there.

You have a brother?

Yes, he's a retired ronin samurai

Does that mean he's a samurai god too?

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