Chapter 23

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"That was beautiful..." Snowball mumbled, crying his eyes out. Leonard was practically sobbing next to him. Almost everyone else was wiping their tears away or letting them roll down their faces. Or in Ozone's case trying to suck them back into the eye socket. Sitting next to Gidget, Max stated in a loud and clear voice, "And the lesson was that anyone can have a happily ever after."

"Wow, thank you guys for ruining my storytelling experience," Pops grumbled. He was still laying on his side from when Snowball had pushed him over. Mel and Buddy went over to help him. With a heavy sigh, the elderly basset hound muttered, "At least it looks like you youngsters have learned something from these stories, despite how badly some of you screwed them up."

"The Pied Piper taught us to not be greedy," Leonard recalled.

"Hansel and Gretel told us to eat proper meals," Buddy added.

"We learned the power of sharing with the Little Tailor," Norman squeaked.

"Don't judge a book by its cover with Sleeping Beauty," Ozone piped up.

"Always watch your back," Tiberius declared.

"Stand up for yourself," Chloe meowed.

"Beware of strangers," Duke chimed in.

"It's okay to make friends," Gidget stated.

"Don't overcomplicate things!" Snowball called out.

"But most importantly, live a happy life," Max concluded. Wagging his tail, Mel asked, "Can you tell us a story Pops?!" Sweetpea chirped in agreement. Seeing how everyone was looking at him expectantly. Smiling, Pops held his head up high and replied, "Of course! Once upon a time-"

"Sorry, gotta cut ya there," Snowball interrupted. Pointing at a clock, he continued, "We have to head home."

"Oh come on!" Pops shouted.


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