[4] At my service.

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LOVE IS WAR by nicooliothewriter


Semi-NSFW themes in this chapter.


"I've got an idea. One that will show him that you're already happy with the master that you work for right now."

Gojou had said the words with a straight face, but when you didn't respond from shock he simply turned you around to leave the thought lingering in your mind. He had already disappeared into his walk in closet, and you could hear the gentle sliding of hangers as he browsed through the clothes.

"...What kind of idea?" You asked cautiously, the curiosity in your tone ripped away from a crackle of nervousness . Sometimes, Gojou's ideas were a bit too...unrealistic.

It was quiet for a moment before Gojou let out an "Aha!" of excitement, turning back out of the closet and holding up an outfit.

"One that involves the perfect plan to make sure that 'Naoya' jerk never bothers you again."

Again, you had to admit to yourself Naoya wasn't a jerk. He was raised in a much different lifestyle. Of course you hated the idea of his lifestyle and the way he carried a bias against you, but you couldn't change how he was raised. If anything, it made you more curious to know about the real Naoya Zen'in.

But with the task at hand, Gojou proudly holding up an outfit designed as lingerie, you couldn't focus on Naoya.

"Oh. My. God." You blanked, staring at what he was holding.

It was a small, dainty maid outfit, probably no doubt leftover from one of his endeavors with some other woman in the past; (not that it was any of your buisness of course, but it was obvious that a guy like him certainly could get around with the ladies) and your face blushed with a mixture of embarrassment and confusion.

"Put that away Satoru, I don't wanna see the weird shit you used to dress up your hookups into!" You threw up a hand in an attempt to block the skimpy dress from your view, but it was already too late. The image (and thought of yourself wearing it...) was now instilled in your brain.

Gojou didn't seem to be taking the situation as seriously as you. He laughed out, walking over to you with the outfit. "Oh come on Y/n, you know we don't share feelings for each other and this would be the perfect way to tell him to stay away."

You couldn't help but to continue to look away from your white-haired partner. Sure, he was always a catch with the ladies. He'd always flirt in random situations, even to you. And sometimes the flirts worked. But you quickly realized that Gojou was a man fueled by temporary physical pleasure, not someone that was interested in becoming tied down into a relationship. At least not any time soon. The thought had eventually became comfortable in your head; That Gojou would flirt with to but you had to never take it personally. But really, sometimes you wanted to admit that he was pulling your strings a bit too much.

"Yeah but...maybe it's a little too excessive?" You tried to reason as he refused to back down.

"If we are both okay doing it, I don't see how it's excessive. It works."

Maybe it was the part of you that always sort of wished Gojou was the type of man that would enjoy settling down with a woman. Maybe it was a hope or longing that you could change his ways that crawled into your mind, urging you that if you put on that maid outfit, it was something that could start a spicy relationship between the two of you.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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