Our Story

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They say your son is your son until he gets a wife

But your daughter is your daughter all of your life.

The beginning of our story is blurred and fading slowly, day by day

It is something my young mind couldn’t force to stay

However; the good, the bad, and all inbetween still chooses moments to shine

After all, eternity cherishes the creations of time

My memory of those early days fail me in times like these

Memories of your care and attempts to appease

The thought dawns on me now, loud and clear

All of the reasons why the fading memories are nothing to fear

Despite the dimming laughter and obscured upsetts

Sometimes,  the heart remembers what the mind forgets.

I am sorry I haven’t always been who you wanted me to be

I was trapped in the prison of my mind where I couldn’t be free

I was lost in the echo, in my own search for meaning

I suppose I was looking without truly seeing

When asked which I dreaded more; the echo or the answer

I stumbled and fell, for I could not be sure

I realise now I was never meant to comprehend the infinite,

For that, our time is far too limited

We were meant to experience it in all its glory

For it is a thing that is unbound by death: it is our endless story

Love transcends space and time; it never dies

And whenever I am in doubt, all I have to do, is look in your eyes.

So here is to the infinite and the unbound, eternity and forever

For what was born, was a love beyond measure.


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