The End

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Hey guys after a lot of thinking and trying to make new ideas,I think it's time for this book to end. I don't want to keep dragging it further and further because I feel like it's just time to stop. It's like when a show keeps running even though it keeps running out of ideas and starts jumping the shark a lot. Its just I don't want to lose its former glory anymore than it already is (but that's just my opinion). I'm kinda rambling now so I'm going to just say goodbye and thank you for making this book a pleasant experience for me!

I really appreciate all you guys that have stuck with me through this and I'm sorry that it has to end but honestly I feel like I need to move on. I actually feel kinda sad right now so I'm that case it is time to close this book.

Goodbye Dsaf community! See you on the flip side.

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