The World revolves around Us.

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Typing on her phone while her blanket is wrapped around her body, Alice is typing a diary entry on her phone about the day she's been through. Her fingers move at an impressive speed as she type and her dull eyes are reflecting the light being emitted on her phone screen. Not blinking at all.

"I had a really fun day!! I made eye contact with John today :D but it wasn't very long tho... :( I was sitting behind him and he dropped his pen so I picked it up for him:) He thanked me afterwards... He noticed me!! those brown eyes looked directly at mine :) I was very happy with just that.. I hope this will be the start and be able to approach him. I really love him... and today is the first day we communicated. Hey John, our relationship is getting more and more serious... . ..I love you XP"

Her fingers stopped typing and she smiled with those beautiful rose colored lips. She then opened a picture of John in her phone and rubbed her index finger around his face. She looked at her the stars through her window. Those honest, passionate eyes... What lies inside those earnest eyes is something else. Something much more sinister.

"I promise... I will make you mine." Then a tear droped out of her eyes. Running slowly down her ivory cheeks.

The alarm went off and John opened his eyes slowly. He looked at his window bathed in sunlight and lifted his hands infront of his eyes. He grumbled, then rubbed his eyes.

"Thursday. Only 1 more day until it's Saturday again." He said to himself.

He went down to the kitchen all dressed and ready to go out. Greeted by his Mom and Dad a good morning. He Smiled for a bit and went to grab some turkey bacon and eggs.

"Hey buddy, how's school working out for ya?" Asked his Dad.

"It's uh... Fine."

"Really? Nothing's wrong? No bullies or any of that?" followed up by his Dad.

"No. Not really. If there ever were any... I can handle myself."

"You don't know that." says his Mom.

"Mom, come on. We live in an age where basically anybody would stand up to pricks and has the whole school to back them up. I'm 17 years old. Don't you think I'm a little old for that sort of stuff?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right." says his Mom.

His Mom and Dad looked at each other and nodded.

"I'm gonna go." John says as he leaves.

John's Father stood up and grabbed a glass of water near the sink. His wife layed down the table cloth and placed her hands on her slim waist.

"John needs friends." Says his concerned Mother.

His father nodded and took off his glasses, placing it in on the counter.

"Just let him be. His comfortable being alone." replied his Dad.

"But Jonathan, He's been like this ever since He was 8."

"I know but... I guess He still don't have a grasp on how the World works. You know... Just give him time. I've been reading up on the social anxiety thing."

He left the kitchen while she looks at him walk away. But this isn't finished. A Mother's concerns are never finish when it comes to her child. Out of his home, John decided to walk instead of wait for the bus at the bus stop. It calms him. He's alone in his thoughts without anyone hindering him. He would rather be alone in his mind rather than hear the noises of douchebags and bitches inside a bus.

"What's wrong with them? Seriously? Why can't they just accept the fact that this is who I am? I know I'm not like the others. I don't talk a lot. I don't mingle with other people. I even avoid eye contact if I need to communicate with someone directly. I don't want to be like them. A noisy, colorful life... Those things are not for me! I wish someone accepts me for who I am. I wanna be accepted by someone who won't question my anxiety towards people."  He said with his conscience. 

"I accept you." He heard in a sweet sounding voice. He was startled and looked around.

Nothing but a plain view of a suburb with no one around. Just a normal sidewalk dipped in sunlight and green grass bathed in morning dew. He looked around some more.

"Who was--" He questioned himself.

He shook it off, thinking it was only his imagination. Not knowing that Alice is looking at him while hiding behind a tree. Smiling... with eyes wide open.

Those deep, earnest eyes.(series)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя