GoOdo MoRnInG

42 1 0

Atsushi: good morning Akutagawa

Akutagawa: no

Atsushi: i think that the correct response is good morning

Akutagawa: no

Atsushi: yes but-

Akutagawa: no.

I headcanon that Akutagawa isn't a morning person. Just like me unless you give me some tea.  I like tea. It helps a lot for me in the morning idk why thou. Also i think that Akutagawa actually doesn't like coffee though he looks like a coffee person. I think he would say he likes coffee as dark as his soul to look cool.

And  with that dark as my humor and Akutagawa's hair accent we end our chapter today

Ba bayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~

Bsd Kinda Funny ConversationNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ