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As a alarm clock rings, we see a h/c blind male reach for the clock turning it off. As it turn off,  the male named Y/n heads the bathroom to get ready as the youngest detective in the world.  As he exits the shower and puts on cloths, he exits his house to go to work. But on his way to work, he felt something pulling him to a mirror.   As he step closer to the mirror, he starts to get suck into the mirror.

"What in the wor-" Y/n said getting suck in.

"As Raven decline her desti- what is that?" the male narrator said curiously at thing falling out of the sky.

"What is what? the female narrator said.

"That" the male narrator said, using an imagery hand to point at the thing.

Switching to Y/n point of view, we see him yelling at the top of his lungs while falling through the sky.

"Woohoo!!!" Y/n yells through the air while falling in excitement.

Smiling y/n remembered a move he seen while watching anime. Twisting his body into position, he gets ready to yell the move. A move well known in his world by otakus and weebs as

"Howitzer impact!!!" y/n yells while twisting his body to imitate the move.

Both Raven and Maddie heard the yell and look up only to gasp as they saw y/n falling to the ground and fast. Raven try to use her magic to catch y/n but miss do to how fast he was going. Do to Raven missing, her magic hit and reflect off a mirror which turn the crowd back to normal just in time to witness y/n hitting the ground creating a crater. Both raven and maddie run over only to see y/n stand up.

"Man was that fun" y/n said dusting himself off.

Both raven and maddie to see y/n was still alive and both ran up to him.

"Who are you" Raven asked curiously

"Oh I am Y/n L/n the youngest detective" he said while doing a pose but faced the wrong way 

Raven and Maddie both sweatdrop.

"Looks like we have a new person joining Ever after high, I hope he join the rebel side" the male narrator said

"Oh please, he looks more like a royal" the female narrator

"No he does not"

"Yes he does"

The male and female narrator continue to fight and argue as the screen slow fade in to nothingness. 


If you got any name I can for the narrators please comment them until then see you  beautiful girls, boys and non binary pals peace out

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