The Proposition

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        "But..but...I wanted to see the joke shop first!" I say, struggling. 

        Pulling at your arm Fred replies, "Oh, don't worry. You'll get a first-hand glance at ALL of their products."

        "As long as you cooperate of course" finishes George. 

        "I'm going to get you some day" I reply, looking straight into George's eyes. He laughs.

        Throughout the entire day the twins showed you what they called their "reign of terror". The Owl Emporium visit brought a series of dungbombs that made even the ugliest of toads faint. The little  cafe on the corner was covered in the Nose-Biting Teacups straight out of a place called Zonkos that left every prissy-looking person in there looking like Rudolph the Red Nosed reindeer. And that wasn't all. All over town I experienced more pranks than I had ever pulled in my entire life. 

        I guess I wanted to show them up a bit. 

        I reach into my bag of stuff that I had finally been able to buy from the joke store and pull out  what looks like a regular bottle of chocolate syrup. I walk over to the teenage girl that is sitting on a table outside.

        "Hey! I work here at the parlor and as a promotional thing we're offering people this brand new chocolate syrup that we just created right here in Diagon Alley. Would you like to try?" She, of course, couldn't refuse. I pour a generous amount on her ice cream, give her a great big smile, and then walk as quickly as possible over to the twins. I start counting down on my fingers from three. As soon as all my fingers went down, we hear a loud gasp and a small smile appears on my face.

        "What did you do?" George asks.

        "Why don't you go and see?" We all turn the corner and where the perfectly nice girl was once sitting was a girl, but a girl that was covered in a horrible purple warts. Fred and George smirk at each other and fold their arms, looking right at me.

        "I think i's time for some ice cream ourselves" they both say. I shrug and agree. I pick out the chocolate ice cream with hot fudge and go sit down at the table in the corner they had just picked out. 

        "We have something to ask you" Fred starts. I look on quizzically as George starts to speak.

        "Fred and I...well. We've been looking for a partner"

        "An apprentice, you could say"

        "See we have a very special..hobby that we like to take part in when we're at school."

        "And we think that you would be perfect for it."

        "So you want me to help you prank" I answer with a smug look." In the distance I see my uncle rounding the corner. "I'm sorry, but I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow on the train yeah?" They nod.

        "But it's a yes?' Fred asks quickly. 

        "Duh" You wave goodbye and try to shoot George a quick wink, but I end up twitching instead.

        "We'll work on it" he says snickering, and then winks right back.  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2015 ⏰

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