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"Go change honey" she whispers back. I look down at the moose pyjamas and sweatshirt that I had been wearing around the house for the last couple of days and nod grudgingly. Those stains couldn't go on living any longer. I back out of the kitchen and trudge back up to my room.

   It's was a simple room really, something an normal 11 year old would have. There was the generic twin sized bed with the pink-flowered bed spread and matching curtains. My desk was cluttered with puzzle pieces and headbands and earrings and trinkets from trips long ago. The walls are covered in posters and pictures and my school friends and I and the shelves all over the walls over flowing with books and stuffed animals. The window is next to the bed and overlooks the backyard and into the huge forest, but it always lets in so much light and warmth. The little couch in the corner is covered in stains from all of the tea and food that I have eaten while reading or doing homework and the little wardrobe and hidden right there next to it. I peer into the mess and try to pick something to wear.

   After five minutes all I decide to do is pick a new pair of sweatpants and this time, a nice clean t-shirt. How proud must my mother be. I had just slipped on the shirt when I hear a knock at the door. Mom peeks in through the cracks.

   "Can I come in?" she asks. After I nod she comes in and closes the door behind her and sits on the bed in front of me. "Honey, I think it's time that I told you somethings." She looks out of the window and sighs. "Do you remember when I used to tell you those stories before you went to sleep about wizards and witches and magic and how they all came together at this magic school?" I think of all the times I had fallen asleep to dreams about the place. Ideas of castles and spells floated around you head since you were little, it's no wonder they were your favorite. I look back over to mom who kept talking. "What if I told you those were true?"

   I burst out laughing. "Sean got you into this too didn't he? I'll give it to him, this one was really good." I keep laughing, but mom never stopped looking intently out the window. "Mom?"

   "Your grandmother Bettina was actually a witch. Your father didn't get those powers, but I guess that they got passed down to you". She finally looks over back at me and the face that I was making wasn't even describable. 

    "Mom. I think you can cut the act now. I figured it out! Unless Sean payed you because then I guess I understand" It was her turn to start chuckling.

    "I kinda wish he had. But honestly. You know how, when all those strange little things happened to you, i would always tell you it was "girl problems" and to keep it a secret from you brother? All those weird things happened because of these powers that you have. Hogwarts is the school where you're going to learn to control them."

   "Wait wait wait wait wait. So out of the blue I'm suddenly a witch who has all these wonderful powers, but I have to keep it a secret from everyone PLUS be dragged away from all of my friends and teachers and school that I have known forever PLUS leave you and Sean behind??" She winces a little but nods.

   "It's the right place for you." she reaches over and hugs me gently as the tears start to form around both of our eyes. She wipes the tear dripping down the side of my cheek. "Your uncle will be here tomorrow to help pick up your supplies and then take you to the train station". She hands over the letter as she gets up and reaches for the door knob, "I think it'll be fun"

   As she opens the door I ask tentatively, "Mom, it's not Uncle Tom is it?'"

   She stops abruptly and without looking at me answers, "Yeah, yeah. It;s Uncle Tom." And she walks out of the door, leaving you there standing. 

So, It Was You All Along (George Weasley Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now