Chapter 7: MacMillan

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My first day of school, started and ended in a blur. I had never expected myself or have to experience what I had, on my first day.
A sleepless night has overcome me, with only sinister thoughts of MacMillan and her utter hatred of me.
Estie assured me it was in her cruel nature to act the way she did, and although her words were encouraging, they very lightly aided my worries.
My mind was also flustered with Florence and Erik, I could not believe I had put myself in the middle of such a scandalous situation. I also could not believe I had had the audacity to confront Florence. Who did I think I was?
Mrs. Higgins had assured me that the MacMillan situation would be worked out, so worrying was evidently useless. There was nothing that could be done on my part.
I snuggled into my linen sheets and enveloped myself in plush velvet blankets which were a warm hug on my worrisome body.
One thing I could look forward to was seeing Erik during Sciences, and just talking to him. A warm feeling filled me, I had never really had an interest in a member of the opposite sex, and it felt like a thrill of fireworks going off inside my head.
I was up and awake long before the sun shone through our blinds, and felt a very luscious yet overpowering burst of energy.
I soon woke Estie probably due to my sharp movements and she frowned and threw her pillow over her mound of red locks.
"Laide, what time is it, bloody hell" she said, her accent thicker than ever. I had observed that Estie's words would pick up a heavy undertone when she was upset or worried.
"It's almost seven, and time to wake up, it's really not that early" I added ignoring the sassy remarks she was giving me.
"Ugh, No I do not want to get up" Estie said enveloping herself in her bed spread.
I ignored Estie, because I largely differed from her attitude. I was ready to take on the day, I wanted to see MacMillan again and face her not in a belittling and tragic way, but in a strong and fierce manner. As for Erik, so what if Florence and him had something. I could have it to, I just could.
Eventually Estie rolled herself out of bed and we made it down to the dining hall where we as per usual feasted on various delicacies.
Walking down the large halls in Pennington felt like a breeze and a new yet welcoming adventure.
When I made my way towards MacMillan's classroom I truly felt an urge to break out of my confident and powerful facade because underneath the girl who feared nothing and expected everything, was a small and terrified little girl who at the slightest raise of a voice would crumble to the ground like an old statue, breathing out its last breath.
As I walked into the classroom, MacMillan was on the board orchestrating some sort of pattern of words.
I quietly took my seat and tried to act normal and somehow erase the dramatic episode which had taken place the day prior.
I took deep breaths in an attempt to calm and collect myself the most I possibly could, and continue to put up this wall of a non existing confidence.
MacMillan turned herself around and did not even bat and eyelash at me. She had obviously taken into account that I was back into her class after she had specifically told me to get myself out of it.
She then commenced to open up a book and motion for everyone else to do so as well.
"Today we shall be starting our first piece of Literature this year," she paused looking around at every distinct face except mine.
"We shall be reading Utopia by Sir Thomas More"
"Sir Thomas More was a English man who was a lawyer, judge, philosopher, devout defender of the Catholic Church, and various other aspects that we shall further discuss later in class. He was venerated as a Saint in 1935"

I looked around at the class which seemed evidently intrigued in what MacMillan had just stated. Still she refused to make eye contact with me, and I almost felt as if I was invisible, and just a shadow in the classroom.

"More was a good man, and we shall eventually read about his execution which showcased exactly his character. It is important to view persons as role models and pin point their characteristics that we admire."

She scanned the classroom once more, this time taking me by surprise looking at directly me with beady pools of darkness. "It is equally important to comprehend persons that we must look down upon and despise their behavior. Actions shall never be forgotten" MacMillan's grayish pupils were staring deeply into me, and she took a step forward. My pulse quickened and my breathing precipitated as I tried to re-instill the confident behavior that I believed was within me.

Before I could collect my breath, she took a step backwards and cleared her expression, completely erasing the sinister demeanor she had portrayed just seconds ago.


As the bell rung, I quickly gathered my things and scurried down the hall ignoring the pools of thoughts and worries which were piling into my head uncontrollably. I had gotten through Literature and I was not kicked out of the class as before. The book we were going to be reading greatly interested me, and I needed to learn something, even if it were not about the book itself but about its professor. 

Sciences was next and I quickly shifted my focus to what lay ahead, Erik. We were lab partners of course, and I had to portray the best version of myself possible. The dimly and elegantly lit hallway ahead of me was filled to the brim with crisply uniformed pupils with different ideas rolling through their minds. Perhaps they had greater worries than the ones I was faced with. I wanted to get perspective of what I was dealing with.

As I passed rows of classes to get to Ridel's room, my ears were overcome with a burst of sounds coming from the Headmaster's office, I scanned the hallway making sure no one was looking at me and slyly walked in a manner which brought me closer to the office, yet did not seem out of the ordinary. As I got closer I heard that the sound was indeed voices clamoring in an unruly manner.

"It is ridiculous that she should be allowed!"

"Calm yourself Prudence" I recognized the warm and inviting voice to be Headmaster De Brus.

"I can't believe that you are even giving a thought to allowing this. It is unacceptable. After what she did to our school, to you! The pain she inflicted"

"Well its not like you ever got the short end of the stick is it?" 

"Excuse me? I think you better watch what you say!" De Brus said his voice growing more unsettling with each word.

"Well then, hear these words and here them well. If she is not gone by the end of the week, you shall have my resignation, and I doubt you shall ever find a professor of my level to teach my class, when your title is revoked. Everyone shall know the truth, every last bit of it! Mark my words" I could not recognize the voice behind these threats, but I felt a familiar feeling when hearing each word articulated.

Before I could think the door slammed open, and I tried to settle myself as fast as I can and seem as if I had been walking to class, and not snooping on a conversation which should have best remained unheard.

Professor MacMillan rushed out her scrawny legs stomping in a manner which seemed as if she would break holes into the floor. She eyed around and caught me looking at her discretely. Before I could pretend to do otherwise she made her way towards me and pointed her nose right into my face.


"Nasty little thing, you are the last thing that should ever set foot into this place, you are a disgrace to everything we stand for"

I tried to speak, "I don't understand I-"

"Oh darling don't act like you do not know, your family must have done a great job of hiding that hideousness, I am glad your moth-" before MacMillan could get out another word, Headmaster De Brus appeared behind her and pushed her away from my sweating and reddening face.

I did not want to hear any more, and like a reflex, my legs pushed as fast as they could towards the other end of the hallway. I sped past what seemed like thousands of doors, and finally saw Professor Ridel smiling outside the door. Without even the slightest gesture, I walked into the classroom , and blindly sat down at my seat. My mind was so crumpled with all that I had just witnessed that I didn't even pay attention to Erik who was sitting beside me, twirling his pencil in one hand.

"Hello to you too," Erik said, looking at me with a worrisome smile.

"Hi" I said.

What was going on, what had I done. What was Professor MacMillan accusing me of. Erik could wait, yes of course he could. The truth on the other hand, could not.

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