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Thunderbolts (US Agent, Baron Helmut Zemo, Red Hulk, Ghost Rider, The Punisher and Crossbones) attacked Hydra (Hydra Cap, Armin Zola, Red Skull, Winter Soldier, The Falcon) and fought whereas Galactus called Firelord, Fallen One, Silver Surfer, Terrax The Tamer and Air Walker were planning but Loki, Slyvie, Odin, Frigga, Thor, Lady Thor, Gor Reformed, Mobius M Mobius and Renslayer were planning their own war.

Dr Stephan Strange came by and told them he got it figured saving the day when Loki and Slyvie go to a backroom vanishing away leaving Floki and Bjorn to bother Odin and Frigga and Strange and Thor left too leaving Odin behind with a Dog and Bear.

Kang The Conquerer joined Dr Stephan Strange and Avengers to battle Space Emperor Dr Doom and Spider-Man Enemies Doc Ock and Kraven The Hunter with Namor who's Water Man in Jupiter and they were having a meeting as follows.

1. Captain Marvel
2. Iron Man and His Family
3. Spider-Man
4. Dr Stephan Strange
5. Kang The Conquerer
6. Kronos
7. Guardians of the Galaxy
8. Adam Warlock
9. Kang The Conquerer


1. Galactus and Heralds
2. Doormamu
3. Memphisto's army
4. Ayesha The Preistess
5. Thanos and Titans
6. Ebony Maw and Black Order
7. Kaecelious
8. Mordo
9. Ego The Planet

And Dr Strange asked for The Infinity Gauntlet and that was with Loki and Slyvie and they knew what Thanos wanted to do on how to deal with Overpopulation and that's killing Half of every Population ever or more than Half but Loki and Slyvie enchanted the weapon and made it that nobody in the Nordic Realms die.

Thanos and Titans attacked Earth and they were faced off by Natives, Vikings and Celtics in a Losing Effort and as Viking Leaders stabbed him and killed Thanos down and Loki stabbed him and turned him and his men and women from Titans to Humans and sailed them off to other parts by wiping their memories off and Odin thought shocked Loki is strong as long as he had Slyvie and Her Pets with him.

Thanos turned himself and his army back to Titans and re conquer mission failed again and again and Thanos asked for The Stones when he was turned Human again and The Avengers came by and there was a Battle on Lokis Lands (Northern European Countries, Northern American Countries and Eurasian Countries).

Thanos turned around and fought Iron Man and ended up killing him and his compadres but Dr Stephan Strange and his Magic stole their power, memories and made them Humans and banished them all back to Central America.

But Doormamu attacked Earth and out came Memphisto's Army skating in the skies and Memphisto attacked Asgard of both Odin Varianta among more and Memphisto isn't that strong and in Minutes Odins killed him and his army was taken down and a new army came Azrael Army.

Galactus and Doormamu had a battle whereas Adam Warlock killed all Heralds except The Silver Surfer.

Loki and Slyvie cause chaos Where stories live. Discover now