Chapter Six: My Best Pokerface

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Rome Ramirez

That only scared the shit out of me.

Especially when he didn't follow it up or try to defend what he said by insisting that he didn't mean it like that.

After a little while of being quiet, Percy told me that he was going to shower because he hasn't yet since practice and he feels really gross so I went our to the living room because my parents were still here. I texted them when he was having what I think was a panic attack earlier to tell them that he was having and episode of sorts, sorry, I know it's a school night.

"Hey, munchkin!" My dad said as he saw me approaching them. "Is Percy feeling okay? He did seem a little quiet at dinner but I figured the first day of school might've tired him out."

"Well... He's calmer," I told my parents a less than ideal answer. "don't know if I'd call that better but... He's calmer. Taking a shower right now."

"What happened?" Sally asked, sounding worried. "i know he was talking about some stuff with school but... Once we started cooking he was pretty quiet."

"Yeah it's like... Stuff between school and his dad," I confirmed for Sally. "I think it's been building for a super long time but he... Said some stuff and I don't think he should go to school while he's thinking those things because school is stressful and make things worse for him usually."

"We weren't planning on waking him up to go after today anyways," Paul reassured me. "with practice we thought it'd be fine, but he's just not ready to go back and that's okay. He should focus on feeling okay at home before even considering school. Did he say anything that I'd have to like... If he said at school would I be required to report anything he said?"

But I can't just lie about it I said yes and told them the last thing he mentioned, within as much context as I could give with my parents present.

"He said that?" My mom asked, because Percy is basically my other half so like... She's naturally worried.

"Yeah. He did."

So my parents told me that I'd it was okay with Paul and Sally, I could stay here with him for the night and to just shoot them a text about school tomorrow. If I'd go to not, depending on him and what Paul and Sally can manage.

Because I was nervous about him alone in the bathroom, I didn't want him alone in the whole apartment in his mindset.

Even if he's never attempted or self harmed before, there's a chance and I'm not willing to risk it.

Saying that you don't always want to still be alive aren't exactly happy words, after all.

So after we figured that out, I went back to Percy's room and he got back a few minutes after I did from his shower, looking just ready to drop from exhaustion. He looked a little surprised, though as he looked at the time and then back at me.

"When are you guys heading back home?" Percy asked, I'm sure having not heard my parents leave while he was in the shower.

"My parents left already," I told my boyfriend as I opened my arms for him to come lay down. I has changed once I got in here, and I was in his clothes. "So it's just me here unless you want me to leave."

"Mmm, no that'd be a stupid thing to want," Percy responded as he joined me, wrapping his legs around my waist, arms around my shoulder and rested his head on my shoulder. "you don't have to stay, though, there's still school tomorrow."

"I know," I reassured him, giving my boyfriend a kiss of the head. "we didn't even have homework so it's okay. You live closer, too, so if anything I get to sleep in later than usual."

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