Chapter II: To Seek Adventure

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Chapter II: To Seek Adventure [Henry's POV]

//TW: Mentions of war, coarse language, obnoxious childish adults (Wait that's not a warni-) //

Author's Note: *Cougghh not very good with scenes of just adults coougughggdkjghkgh* - Also, the enlisting process isn't accurate because I couldn't find much about the enlisting process at all. I just went off google images, but you get the gist of it. I'm gonna sit here fingers crossed in hope that this flows well


I adjusted the hat on my head whilst maintaining eye contact on the last few sheep still making their way through the gate. I looked over to Dan, who was a few meters to my left. I could tell his caramel/chokkie brown Waler Ruth was becoming a little reckless. Maybe she wasn't that used to people riding her, even though we would take both horses out almost everyday for the week during the sheep's breeding seasons. This is because the Rams would become a bit reckless around this time. We don't just hire the horses for the breeding season only - we sometimes are given extra time to care for them for whatever reason for the proper owners, who are our best family mates Markus and Nikita Oakley. I was riding the Clydesdale horse named Helen. She was very well behaved, maybe because she was older. I was about to lead Helen in closer so I could shut the gate when I had to turn her around because I heard a ladies' voice. It was my wife Hannah's, and she was calling for me.

"Henry! Henry, can you come over for a minute?"

"Yeah, sure. Just give me a sec." I yelled back.

I turned to Dan who had managed to calm Ruth down. "You think you can round up the last of the sheep and shut the gate by ya self?"

"Yeh, I'll be right. Go see what Mum wants." He replied, soothing Ruth with neck pats.

"Good on ya, boy." I guided Ruth into the direction of Hannah across the field. I felt cool for a moment, like a real cowboy - only without a lasso in hand. Just like what I would roleplay when I was a lil one.

I guided Helen to the small stables located along the right-hand side of the house (Western side). I jumped off her saddle, gripped the reins of her harness and walked her into her stall. I shut and locked the stall gate just as Hannah came walking up to me.

"Hey Hannah. You needed me?"

"Yes," She replied. "I need you to see something. I suggest Dan come see this as well." I could sense the desperation in her voice as she isn't all the best at hiding her emotions. I turned to see where abouts Dan was with Ruth. He looked to be just shutting the gate and guiding Ruth and the dogs back over to the stables where Hannah and I are now.

"He looks to be heading back now with the dogs." I pointed out. "What'd ya need us for?"

"When we headed down to the city, the roads and pavements were crowded with civilians, way busier than usual. I know Sydney's a large city, but I'm talking really busy, Henry. Heck, it's probably still very crowded now."

"That does sound a bit unusual, d'unnit?" I commented.

She continued: "Wilbur managed to pick up a newspaper coverin' why it's so busy, but he hasn't told me what it's about yet. I'm worried for him..."

I heard the nay and puff of Ruth behind me as Dan jumped off his saddle and guided Ruth into the stall next to Helen's. The dogs made their own way onto the porch, tapping their paws on the porch planks around the outdoor Seats. I walked up to him just before he locked the stall gate.

"Did'ya lock the gate properly Pearl?"

"Yeah, I did." He looked up at me. "And please don't call me that, it makes me think of them."

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