Chapter 1- Small Introduction

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There was this one blond boy who would always wear a white mask with a wide smile on it, which was known as the high school's biggest yandere....

He would always kill whoever who was really close to his Crush but also the Yandere's name was Dream.. Dream the high school yandere... The Blond boy's crush was a tall ginger haired boy with big fluffy ears and a adorable face who was named Fundy.

Fundy was a cool half fox, he learnt well in school, his father is really nice and he gets all the boy's attention by doing nothing. Almost every Boy had a crush on the fluffy eared boy but also every boy who had a crush on him was.. dead... but not all of the boys.. there was one boy left... who was Dream's biggest enemy in high school.


WORDS: 148

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