chapter 3 The Portal

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Chapter Three

The sun had fallen behind the hills and we came up on a tunnel. "We're here," I said. I looked at him and could see he was ready to go home, but there was something in his eyes. "Legolas what is it? What's wrong?" I asked.

"Are you sure you can leave your world behind?"

I knew that wasn't what he really wanted to ask but I answered anyway, "yes, I don't belong here. I need to go home, I need my family." He nodded, "Ask what you really what to ask me Legolas." He was silent for a long time and I just sat on a rock waiting for him to figure out how to ask his question. "You can be blunt if you are unsure of how to ask," I said.

"Why?" he asked.

"Why what?" I asked.

"Why did you help me?" I had a feeling that wasn't it either, but I wasn't going to force him to talk to me. We had had just met a few days ago and I knew more about him than he knew of me.

"It's the right thing to do. I didn't do it just because I would get to go to middle earth," I said answering the question he had skimmed over. He nodded. "You ready?" I asked feeling nervous and excited all at the same time. He nodded again, "keep your hands on my shoulders and stay behind me and no matter what happens keep your hands on my shoulders. That is very important; do not take your hands off my shoulders."

"I understand and thank you for getting me home. You have been true to your word, you got me home safe."

"We aren't there yet," I said getting up. I stood in front of what appeared to be a cave but it was a tunnel. I couldn't see the light at the end but I knew it was there. I took a deep breath to steady myself before I walked into the tunnel, the portal home. I was going home; I would finally get to see my dad, my mom. I felt Legolas place his hands on my shoulders and felt him shifting, making sure he was behind me.

To pass the time I started to sing a song that I thought fit the moment, Journey to the past. "Heart, don't fail me now!
Courage, don't desert me!
Don't turn back
Now that we're here
People always say
Life is full of choices
No one ever mentions fear!
Or how a road can seem so long
How the world can seem so vast
Courage see me through
Heart I'm trusting you
On this the past
Somewhere down this road
I know someone's waitingg
Years of dreams
Just can't be wrong
Arms will open wide
I'll be safe and wanted
Fin'lly home where I belong
Well, starting here, my life begins
Starting now, I'm learning fast
Courage see me through
Heart I'm trusting you
On this the past
Heart don't fail me now!
Courage don't desert me!
Home, Love, Family
There was once a time
I must have had them too
Home, Love, Family
I will never be complete
Until I find you...
One step at a time
One hope, then another
Who knows where
This road may go-
Back to who I was
On to find my future
Things my heart still
Needs to know
Yes, let this be a sign!
Let, this road be mine!
Let it lead me to my past
Courage see me through
Heart I'm trusting you
To bring me home...
At last!
At Last!"

I continued walking and walking. I knew I couldn't stop once I started. As I was walking a felt the ground shaking under me as the portal behind me closed and the one in front opened, causing the tunnel to collapse behind us. "Remember keep your hands on my shoulders and keep moving," I said. He nodded. Hours went by with us walking through the dark and the shaking got stronger as we went further into the tunnel.

I don't know how much time passed but after what felt like hours I saw the light at the other end. We continued walking on for several more hours, meaning we must have been walking for at least a day. "How much further?" Legolas asked after several hours of silence.

"I'm not sure; I have never passed this way." We once again fell into silence for a few more hours. "Tell me about the fellowship, what is everyone like?" I asked. I wanted to know more before I got there. I already knew about most of them and their backgrounds but I didn't want to freak him out more.

"There are four hobbits, two of which are cousins, but all four are the best friends. Frodo Baggins is the ring bearer. He seems to be a very kind gentle soul and he is braver than most twice his size. Sam is a loyal friend to Frodo while Merry and Pippin seem to be driven by their stomachs." I smiled, so that much was true. "Boromir, a man of the south I'm still trying to make my mind up about him. The ring is already corrupting him and we haven't been traveling for a week yet."

"He's a good man at heart Legolas. If it weren't for the ring everyone would see who he truly is," I replied. Legolas fell silent after that. "What about Gimli, has he changed his attitude about elves?" I asked.

"No he hasn't," Legolas replied. I wished I could tell him that he and Gimli would become the best of friends. There was so much I wished I could say things that I could change but I couldn't. If I interfered with what was written things could change so much that the ring wouldn't be destroyed.

"And Aragorn, what is he like?" I asked. I wanted to know about the man that I believed to be my father.

"He is kind and has a wisdom that is beyond his years, a wisdom that usually only elves possess. He is gentle and warm, compassionate, understanding and he will protect the ones he loves," Legolas said and I could hear the fondness in his voice, they were close. "He will be an excellent father," Legolas said and I smiled. Shortly after our conversation, we passed through the tunnel coming back out into the light. It felt like I was in an earth quake. The passage was closing.

"Don't let go of me," I said reminding Legolas once more not to let go of me. I walked more than a hundred feet from the tunnel before stopping and falling to my knees. As I fell the tunnel closed, there was no longer a portal. I could not go back; no one could come nor go. After a moment I stood back up and turned to Legolas, "If you want you can let go of me now." He nodded and let go. "Now let's go find the rest of the fellowship," I said.

Where do I belong? A Legolas Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now