Living the criminal death

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Living the life. Living the death. All the same to me really. I've had some mind boggling experiences when swapping with certain individuals. You never know, I could have swapped with the queen! The day the prime minister was acting strange? Moi of course!

It's easy to make jokes sometimes, it's easy to laugh when your making someone jump into a fountain like a drunk when you are controlling them like a puppet. It's fun? I guess, until the dreaded 23rd hour.

I never have to sleep. Being half dead and all, but I have to push the bodies to their limits. Going out and finding someone to swap with is hard.

I'm sitting in a nearly abandoned cafe that's decorated with old fashioned red and white checked table cloths, and light blue walls.

My mind is fighting to keep the body awake, desperately in need of sleep, and reacting badly to the harsh glare of the light. It's dark outside, and the contrast is painful, almost sending light beams shooting through my brain.

The reason I'm here sits on the other side of the counter, a bored expression on her face. She looks close to my age, and I'm too tired to go out and find someone more similar. Glancing at the clock, I swallow.

28 minutes left, and I'm still stuck in this stupid form. I have to act now, or it could be too late.

Standing up, and pulling my pathetic cup of tea in my hand, I take a step towards the counter, before deliberately tripping over my shoelace and letting the cup fall to the ground with a smash.

"Sorry." I said towards the girl behind the counter, who rolled her eyes at me. "Can I get some help to clean it up?"

A sour look passed onto her face, but nonetheless, she grabbed a dustpan and brush and made her way over to the tea-stained floor.

My stomach knotted slightly, because I hated this part, the part that made me want to just stop trying and let myself die fully. It hurts. It hurts a lot.

When she reached me, my stomach felt constricted, and without a moments hesitation, I grabbed her wrist tightly.

To anyone looking towards us, for the few seconds that I gripped her wrist, it seemed strange, but nothing out of the ordinary. But for me, it was excruciating. And I'm sure it was like that for her as well, and that in a way, is what hurt me the most. The fact that I was hurting innocent people.

It was over fast, like a credit card transaction, I had simply slipped into the girls mind, leaving the old one behind.

It was good though, because after the pain, came a complete sense on happiness. Because for 23 hours, I was as close to normal as I could possibly get.


The first thing I do, could shape the rest of their life. I was feeling happy, if not slightly frustrated.

But oh well, here is the perfect opportunity to get rid of the frustration. I had nothing against the person themselves, except maybe the sour look on their face before I had possessed them.

I just felt like some fun.

Maybe that's why I made her threaten the manager while taking all the money from the cash tin. It wasn't much of a crime, but the best was yet to come.

Living the criminal life was a blast. Living the criminal death, even better.

Hey all!! This is devoncat1 writing on this super duper double account! Thanks for reading! If you wanna check out some of my stories, have a look at Taken and my brand new story Echo! Also, make sure to check out chips17's funny new story Don't Read This! P.s definitely read it!! -devoncat1

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2015 ⏰

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