8.) Packing

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"You should bring your cat with you" Clay says laughing

"Well duh I'm not leaving her here alone" I reply

Me and Clay have been on call for about an hour as I pack.

"How long are you staying for?"

"I'm not sure I only booked a one way ticket"  I answer

"Your leaving in five days remind me why you're packing so soon?" He says

"Because I always procrastinate things and this isn't something to procrastinate"

"Why not you're only gonna stay for what like a week, how much do you need to pack" He says

"Oh right I forgot your not female.. unless... no nope... anyways what if its cold or hot or we go to a fancy dinner or I'm not doing anything and just need sweats. I need an outfit for everything." I explain

"Well then I'm glad I'm not female"

"Fuck you" I say and he starts wheezing

"I didn't even say anything wrong" he says through his wheezes

"Yea I know I just wanted to say that." I say smiling stuffing more clothes into my suitcase

"You're so annoying" He says laughing

"Don't act like your not"

"Say hi to my stream" Sapnap says as he undeafens.

"Hiiii chaat" I say cheerfully as I run around in minecraft. We were just gonna mess around a bit on stream.

"Tea lets make a secret base" Sapnap say

"Okay we should make it underwater it'll be cool" I respond

"Yeah that sounds good, Sams online I'll ask him for some sponges" He replies

"Okay I'm going to get sand"

A/n: hi i just wanted to post something but now im bored so short chapter. Also sorry I took so long to update i just started playing football and now have no time lol

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