Chapter 2

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He's more relaxed, now. The crew keep smirking at him, but he doesn't feel the same fear that he felt from the start. He's turning over his abandonment in his head, and instead of grief he feels disgust at the loose loyalty of his father. A chilling horror settles over him- his abandonment took him not only away from his home, but the rest of his family. His mother, his younger sister... He grits his teeth, revulsion rising up within him the more he thinks about it.

He sighs loudly, shaking his head.

He opts to focus on his surroundings, intent on gazing at the working crew to settle his nerves. He doesn't realize the sun is setting until a man with kind face sets a bowl of porridge in front of where he's sitting. He thanks him, but he's already leaving.

The crew on deck is dwindling, and Kirishima eats his dinner. It's not bad, for a pirate's meal, he supposes. He's not really sure what he should be expecting- was he still a hostage if no ransom could be offered? A thread of panic weaves its way through Kirishima's veins- what use was he if he couldn't get information? He didn't even have access to the exchange details, he had nothing to offer the pirates.

"It's time."

Kirishima looks up. The captain is standing above him, less crazy than before, but there's a constant wild fire behind his eyes. Kirishima stands. He notices they're about the same height, but the captain towers over him in ability. "We're going to my quarters."

Kirishima is sweating as he follows the man. He feels the eyes of the crew on him as he falls in step behind him.

Bakugou closes the door behind them. Kirishima's eyes adjust to the dimness, and Bakugou lights the oil lamps around the room, slowly bringing its details to his vision.

It's not particularly small, like Kirishima had for some reason expected. The room is open, with the ship's supports covered in trophies of hanging gems and antiques, bones and the skins of small animals. The desk is neat, rolled scrolls tucked into metal rings, and the bed is covered with soft furs that spill onto the oriental rugs covering the floor, feeling like sponge beneath his feet with the number of them. It smells thick with incense but hints of smoke and gunpowder reach Kirishima's nose.

The captain stands before him, head high. He smirks, eyes scrutinizing Kirishima.

He shrugs out of his coat. He drapes it across the chair at his desk and places his hat atop the seat. Kirishima sees his clothes there as well, and Bakugou grabs his silk shirt.

Kirishima can't help but eye his tanned body, muscles beneath scattered ink on his chest, his arms, dark lines showing through the white of his billowy shirt. He pushes a hand against Kirishima's bare chest, trailing down. Kirishima stands still as stone, uncertain about his actions.

"Lie down on the bed, noble." Bakugou says.

Kirishima looks behind him, then to the captain. Then to the bed and to the captain again, but he sees he's waiting for his movement.

Kirishima shuffles backwards until he sits on the bed, and the captain follows his steps in time, his knees on either side of him. Kirishima doesn't know where to look when his eyes are level with his body.

There's a glint of light, and Bakugou pulls two slender knives from his sleeves. Kirishima's hands fist together, sudden fear skirting through his veins, ready for whatever movement may come, but all Bakugou does is drop them to the floor and pull off his shirt. He pulls a pistol from his belt and drops it as well. It lands with a thud, deafening to Kirishima's ears.

He's hype focused on Bakugou's face, and the little x beneath his eye. The pirate puts on Kirishima's shirt. The silk clings to his skin, sticking to the curves of his body. The red colour suits him well- he looks regal. He looks like a king.

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