Chapter 33

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Where the river ends

Mid-fall against the precious stone

Nature's curtains part

For the evening light to show

Kirishima thinks he's being shaken awake, but as the movement becomes violent, he sees it's the earth that's moving. He lifts himself to his knees, Bakugou beside him already assessing the situation.

"Earthquake?" Kirishima asks. Something about the rise and fall felt different than the trembling he was accustomed to.

"Must be." Bakugou says.

"It feels different." Kirishima says, realizing Bakugou may have felt less earthquakes than he has, at least from solid ground. He keeps his .voice loud- the others are awake and shouting, and the wind is rushing in his ears. "It's like the ground is swelling, not just shaking."

Bakugou pauses and looks up at the sky. "Storm, then? Now that you mention it it's more like that- if - if the ground were a boat, that is. A malleable boat."

Kirishima nods.

Bakugou makes his way past him, arms outstretched for balance, avoiding the swinging branches and leaves and forest debris. Kirishima follows him with a bit more difficulty.

"It's moving." Bakugou shouts.

"What?" Mina's voice shouts back. Kirishima nods at her. There are branches sticking out of her wild hair, and he snorts a little. She gives him a grumpy morning scowl, confused.

"The island is moving." Bakugou says, looking back at the both of them. "What's so funny?"

Kirishima bites his lips between his teeth, shaking his head. "Nothing - the uh. What?"

"The island is moving." Bakugou says again. "That's why Endeavor didn't find it again. It fucking moves ."

Kirishima's eyes widen. He looks out at the patch of sea Bakugou was inspecting, and sure enough, there's a telltale view of waves and clouds passing by. Not fast, but definite.

"You've got shit all in your hair." Bakugou says, passing Mina.

"Agh!" she says, running her fingers through the tangles, shaking her head. Kirishima laughs again. "Shut up, Kiri."

"Listen up!" Bakugou shouts at the crew. "The islands moving. We're gonna sit tight until it stops."

"How is it moving?" Hatsume asks.

"Don't know." Bakugou answers. "Maybe the island's loose. Maybe it follows a current."

"Let's have a look at the maps." Mina says. "If there's a current around here we might be able to see the island's path. It's a far shot, but it's worth a look."

Kirishima sits down as they spread a map about between them. The island's movement is making his stomach turn.

He looks around at the trees swaying, and the little rocks bouncing and rolling across the ground. Even the stone wall a little ways away is shifting, the massive, plated stones grinding against one another almost rhythmically.

"I don't see anything." Mina sighs. The island is starting to become still again. "Must not be charted. Or it's magic. Ojirou, is this anything like Hagakure's voodoo shit?"

"I bet she heard you call it 'shit' just now." he says. Mina makes a sound in her throat, then clears it.

"I meant that in a respectful way. Of course."

"Of course." Ojirou laughs. "I wouldn't know, anyways."

"Sorry to interrupt." Shouji says, petting the feathers of his blackbird, perched on his shoulder. He looks ruffled and tense. "Tokoyami says the bridge has fallen."

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