Chapter 2

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    "Oh really? That is very interesting" he looks at your sketchbook, "Yeah I noticed coming towards you, your sketches are interesting"
You look down at your sketch book, worried about what he glanced upon, a shitty sketch? A cringe design, but no. It was a recent piece, one that you have been recently proud of. A illustration of your nightmares. Really? This?

"Ah.. thanks, I really enjoy this as a hobby though. I am a uh communications major.." you drift off that last part, as unsure you, yourself believe it.
    Your right hand resting on the table. Then he signs slightly loudly, and like nothing places his next to yours. You freak out again, how does this man not notice? Yeah he probably doesn't care, because you're just a friendly stranger. A passing tourist to him, that he will probably never meet again after this cafe meet. A meet by sheer chance.

        "Ohhh I see now. It is a nice hobby, I am doing a little side project too" he begins drawing on his sketchbook, varies little characters, bunnies and clowns scattered throughout the paper. Harmless drawings, yet an eire feeling to them. That is very interesting.

        "Now I see why you took an interest in my sketches, you also enjoy horror"

He laughs a bit under his breathe, "Yes... I very much throughly enjoy it" he looks up at you, smiling.

    Your heart skips a bit, for what? Just a friendly smile.

    You laugh a bit too, "great I met another freak" you jokingly say. "Hey!" He furrows his brows but still maintaining his little smile. He nudges you with his elbow, done so effortlessly with his long arms. You can just feel your cheeks get redder as you giggle.
Great. You aren't generally considered short but with man he is easily above 6 ft you guess. This alone gets you embarrassed.

    You two spend the next hour sketching and taking bits and sips of your meal in silence, yet there is no awkwardness as you both are in the zone of sketching.

        After a while, you here him groan. Your eyes quickly shift towards him, he's leaning against his chair and his head tilted upward. His eyes are closed and an expression of discomfort on his face. You look down to his plate, he finished his food. He must be done sketching too. Is he leaving soon? Please no, he has such a comforting aura. The first person I met here that has such... But I can't just ask for his number, that'll be just too creepy.

        "Ahaha, what's wrong?" You stutter. His eyes quickly open. You noticed they also look exhausted. His eyes with a brown greenish tint.

                "It's this... artist block issue I've been having recently. I know I have to pace myself"

        "Yeah you already know! Just do that, dude. You'll be good" you pat his shoulder. This feels right.
    Another hour passes, waves of crowds come in and out. You are now working on your communications assignments, and Martin asks you small questions like,             "Red or Yellow?" "Hmmm yellow"
                "Tall or short"
                     "Tall" 'What's your favorite drink" "cranberry juice"
        Probably just to fill holes in his little story that he has been working on. You are a bit scared to ask what it is exactly, as you don't want to over step your boundaries with him.

        Maybe later... but will there a later?

        You take your eyes off your computer and you see Martin on his computer too, he looks at you too. "What?" "Nothing"
    The constant tapping of a keyboard and clicks of the mouse fill the silence, it is almost as if you both are dreading this little working session to end.

    "Ya know my drawings are actually based on nightmares I have, ever since I was little. Though they don't bother me as much anymore, it's just something apart of me now" you say bluntly. You sneak a look at Martin to see his reaction, he doesn't have one. Surprised, you fully turn your head to see him. He is still staring at his screen. You quickly look over at your computer out of embarrassment. Great you made things awkward.

        "Sorry to hear. I hope things get better for you" he says in a soft voice. "With those drawing, I feel sorry for you" he laughs shyly.

        "Aw thanks, yeah it's not too bad. Once you keep seeing them, it doesn't get as scary anymore" You scratch your neck. "I uh, if you don't mind me asking. What are your doodles about? Or what's that little side project." You turn to see him on his phone looking at the time.

        "I am very sorry, but I have to be somewhere soon" he puts his phone on the table, the contact app opened to put a number on. You look at the phone and then him as he quickly stands up. Easily towering over you. "If you don't mind, I would like to continue this conversation later" he says smiling at you.
        You grab his phone and put down your number as he packs up his things.
         "No... I don't at all"

(My chapter one got more attention than I anticipated lol. I was going to post more TWF fanfic esp rosemaryxjack but this one right now was way more fun to write. I kinda had to make it up as I went since it wasn't my OC anymore, but I hope you simps enjoyed?)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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