The first day........

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Picture is of Adam :)


I sat quietly on the bus reading a book a kid with blacks spiky hair and light brown eyes sat next to me while he listened to the music coming from his headphones.The kids on my bus droned on about who was dating who and mostly about some girl Lynsey who got pregnant.I continued reading till page one hundred and fifty seven which is when my bus stopped at school I put my bookmark in my book so I could read on later.I looked around at the immense amount of kids.I stood there dumbfounded and looked for any sign of guidance.

"Having trouble there aren't you?"A kid said from behind me.

I turned to see it was a girl blond with hair and light blue eye she was wearing a black shirt with white skinny jeans.

"Um...... sure......?"I replied unsure of myself."Can you direct me to the place that all the kids in eleventh grade are going?"

She pointed to a building that was marked 900 i walked over there and into a group of kids around my age looking at a sign i looked at it as it said

11th grade directory By last name A Room 927 B room 926...........

I scrolled down till i found W and found out that i had to go to room room 913 so I went down the hallway and stopped short at room three I looked into the room and saw the girl from earlier and about 30 other kids i didn't know.I was always uneasy around new kids so i sat next to the girl.

"Hi my name is..."

"Where did you come from?"

Those were the questions that seemed to be fired at me all angles.....all direction.The irritated sound of a teachers voice stopped it all.....

(Time passes)

I looked at the card and pink slip of paper the teacher gave me and decided to put the card in my pocket i looked over the paper too see my schedule i looked at the top and saw homeroom period 0 Mr.Gilkson Room 912....I opened the door a soft creaking sound sounded i felt everyone's eyes on me and sighed.I took my seat and looked at the teacher someone else then came into the room and immediately though to quiet for anyone else to notice i felt my breath hitch........

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