Chapter 1: The Worst Summer Ever

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"I know!" I say. "I don't want to be away from you either! It's not my fault my dad thinks we should have more 'family' time."

McKenzie (Kenzie) still hasn't gotten over the fact that I won't be going to Disney World with her this summer. We had our whole summer mapped out with a laminated schedule and everything! We've taken summer vacations together ever since we finished fourth grade. Since we just finished eighth grade, this would be our fifth summer together, but now I have to break the streak.

My dad made a last-minute decision to rent a lake house for the whole summer. He claims it's for more "family time".

Seriously though. Even if we were going to spend more "family time", he could have picked something cooler than a lake house. And the worst part is that we don't even have the house to ourselves! We have to share it with a family that we don't even know!

"I am going to kill your dad, Azzy," Kenzie says.

I doubt it, but it shows how much she doesn't like the idea of me not being with her this summer. I don't like it either.

"Kenzie! We can still chat! I'll text you every day! I promise! We'll video chat at least every two days!" I say. "Bye Kenzie. Have fun with Bri and Claire."

It pains me to say the last part. As much as I want them to have fun, I can't stand the fact that I won't get to have fun with them.

I hang up.

Stupid lake. Stupid summer.

What's the fun in summer if my friends won't be there with me? What's the point of summer without them? I'd rather go to school and see them than spend a summer without them.

Life is unfair. Life is so unfair.

I guess I'd better get packing for the first summer ever that I won't enjoy.

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