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-Bring beer it's in the fridge

-im on the boat.


-come on I'll do you a favour?


Just this once.-


I went down to the basement to grab a couple beers. After earlier I was not in the mood for socialising. I was already in my bikini so I just put on a green tank top and the first pair of shorts I could find. My parents weren't home so I just left the house, they haven't been home in a while. I stopped worrying and started walking towards the shore. I'm still wondering why I'm doing this, why should I bring beers to my sister and her friends. My heads been pounding from earlier. I've probably had to much to drink.

"Look who is finally here.", Kiara said as I walked towards the boat.

There's was a large white boat, I was expecting a small rusty old boat but that works too

"Don't get too cocky sis I can walk back home right now if I want to."

"You wouldn't."

I started turning around but as I did.

"Hey hey, I'll just take the beers you know.", JJ was about to take them from my hand. I basically threw it all on him.

"There happy?"

"No not exactly I also need a beautiful girl on this boat."

"Fine I'll come, only because I have absolutely nothing to do."

Me and JJ started walking towards the boat.

"Hey y/n.", shouted Pope.

I simply waved back.

"Hey everyone."

"We got beers!", JJ shouted.

"Woo finally.", said John B.

The boat started and we were going into sea. I popped a bear and sat down on the edge of the boat watching the waves. It was a pretty windy day, my hair blew in the breeze, it was refreshing. I smelt the salt from the water. I could hear very loud talking from behind probably Kiara and her friends. I don't usually hang out with Pogues, Rafe doesn't let me.

JJ started walking over to me. "I think we should play truth or dare y/n."
I was about to reply but before I did.
"I agree." Said John B.

"Perfect, great way for us to get to know you better." Pope smiled

"Truth or dare y/n."

"Okay, truth." I decided to take the safe option.

Pope and Kie rolled their eyes at your response.

"C'mon, what are you afraid of?" John B taunted, jokingly. "Can't take a little dare?"

My eyes narrowed, "If you wanted me to choose dare, why the fuck did you give me the option?"

He put up his hands in surrender jokingly.

"Okay, then dare or dare?" He said, laughing.

I wondered why he was so adamant about you choosing dare. I knew he was up to something, but i didn't know what. He was baiting me.

"Dare." I took the bait.

"I dare you..." The way he paused and the mischievous smile growing on his face made you want to take back your words, but it was too late. "I dare you to spend five minutes in the guest room with JJ."

"Oh, fuck no," I said.
JJ smiled.

"You have to do it, a dare's a dare," Pope shrugged his shoulders. "Unless you want to drink the death cup."

The death cup was a cup filled with a disgusting mixture of beer, White Claw, and whatever other alcohol you guys had acquired. It was a tool you used in most of your drinking games to make sure everyone followed the rules.

"I don't give a shit if he has to drink the damn cup or not," I said. "I'm not going in that room with him."

"He's not the only one who would have to drink," Kie told me.

"Since when do we have two death cups?" JJ protested.

"Since today! So, what's it gonna be?" Kie asked.

You looked at JJ, annoyed that you had let yourself play into John B's game.

"Let's get this over with," I grumbled, walking into the guest room without another word.

"Fuck you guys." I addressed the rest of the group before following him in and shutting the door behind you.

As soon as the door shut, I saw the knob rattle before hearing a soft click.

"Wait, what the fuck?" I tried the knob again, but it wouldn't budge.


"The door is locked." I told him.

"Or maybe your arms are just too weak."

He kindly pushed me out of the way and tried to open the door himself, but it didn't open for him either.

"Hey! This isn't funny, open the door!" JJ banged on the frame.

It had been two hours me and JJ were alone inside sitting in silence.



"Do you really like being with Rafe."

"That's a bit of a personal question jj, isn't it?" I leaned up for my slouching position to look at him.

"He treats everyone like shit." JJ said chuckling at the 'shit'.

"Not me.." I lied.

"Mhm." He said in disbelief.

I scanned my arms quickly to see if I had any visible cuts or bruises they might have questioned. I was clear, what could of made jj ask such a question?

After a whilst I realised I had fallen asleep.

"Hey y/n." JJ said while playing with my hair.

"They unlocked the door."

I ran to the door and went out I was so happy.

I looked at JJ and said, "Rafe will kill me if I'm not at the party."

He looked at me weirdly but nodded.

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