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My fan blowing was the first thing I heard when I woke up. The sun had already risen, beaming through the blinds. The air in the room was still and pale. The light was piercing my eyes, resulting in me squinting as I looked at my surroundings. I sat up, making the heat from my blanket escape, making the sweat on my back cool. The room was cool and you could hear a low rum from the air conditioning and other machinery. The room was neutral and uncomfortably clean, like nobody had ever lived there or been inside before. I rolled my body to the edge of the bed, admiring the sunrise. It was golden and had a glowing, deep orange along the base of it. There were hints of strawberry and orange hues plastering the sky, painting an unforgettable scene. I could look at the bright colors for years, and I would never get tired of it.

"Honey, come back, you're so warm," my husband begged, " It's only the second day of our honeymoon." I turned back to him, catching a glimpse of his navy blue eyes. With the sun hitting them, his eyes sparkled in a way I've never seen before. I just sat there, admiring his best feature, and I said, "Baby, I wanna work on my book before our trip is over, I want to make sure I write down every last detail." I rolled back over and took in everything. His baby blue eyes and the little dimples that creased when he smiled. I pecked his temple and whispered our three little words. When I sat back up, I knew I needed to start my work.

I finally got up and walked over to the window and opened it. You could hear the water splashing against the wall of the boat and the faint caw of a bird. The salty air pierced my senses and I knew my husband would be out of bed shortly due to the smell. After internalizing the smell and view, I trotted to my desk, which is sadly temporary. It was a white, small table with only a few drawers and a simple office chair. It was a nice little desk, just enough to hold my laptop. I started writing about everything that happened on our trip so far, like how he tripped over air, I had spilled ice cream on my dress, and what our experience was like the first night. I started writing about our life and experience together back when we first started dating. It was only supposed to be a journal, but my at the time boyfriend found it and begged me to publish it as a book. I promised him that I would only do it when we got married, and, somehow, that time is already here. I got so caught up trying to include every single thing I could remember, but I was interrupted by someone hugging me from the back.


"Yes baby?" I responded,

"We're gonna miss lunch if you don't hurry up!" he nudged with a his stupid little pouty face,

"Oh cmon, I'm sooo close! Just five more minutes-" I said but it was already too latge. I was picked up and lazily dragged to the shower that was already running...somehow...

Instead of giving you the chance to take your clothes off, he just threw you into the shower with him. You were both standing there, clothes soaked, staring at each other. We both just laughed hysterically at how stupid what we were doing was. However, this is one of the many reasons you married him; He was funny and knew how to cheer anybody up.

"Oh Bo, I love you," I said staring back into his eyes, knowing this was the best decision I could've ever made in my entire life.

"I love you too Y/n"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2021 ⏰

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