Chapter 1

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Carol POV: It was a typical rainy night in L.A, and I was taking a walk down to my local library. Hopefully it isn't closed. I still need to return my copy of hunger games... After arriving at the library, I found out it was closed. Meh,I should have known. After all it is 10:17. On my way home I saw a tall figure duck down after seeing my shadow. I was terrified yet I decided to see what it was. Oh where are my manners? I meant who it was. After walking into the ally way I saw the figure still ducked down whispering to himself "please don't let it be Updike" I heard him and asked if he was ok since he was behind a dumpster. He looked up at me and said "you don't belong here so leave." Being the stubborn person I am I said "why?" The person or whatever species it is stayed silent for a bit until he said "cause I'm hiding and you are going to give me away to Updike so leave."  Who's Updike? I wondered. Oh well, I thought since he was never gonna answer me anyways. He looked kinda cold now that I look at him. Hey Mr? "What?" Do you need a place to stay for the night?

Whitty POV: I was thinking about what the girl had said... Did I need a place to stay? I really don't know so I responded with a I dunno, you pick. The tiny person replied with Yay! Ok you are gonna stay with me. I have a nice cozy bed for you so you aren't in the rain all night! Jeez this girl has a lot of energy. I got up to walk with her and she stared at me for a bit until she said "Wow! You're tall!" I didn't really know what to say so I said "Thanks?" *So what's your name?" I said to the short woman. She responded with Carol. " what's yours?" I thought about what I was doing for a minute or two until I said "Whitmore but call me Whitty"

Carol POV: "Well Nice to meet you Whitty!" He replied with a short "you too" I pulled out a umbrella and held it out to him and he takes it shyly. As he stays nice and dry I start dancing in the rain until we stop by a Chinese restaurant. I tell Whitty to stay there while I run inside to order something to eat. I came out with 3 bags in my arms.

Whitty POV: Hey,Carol? Do you need some help? You look pretty tired. She nods and I bend over to let her on my back and to Carry her bags. As she told me where to go to reach her house I kept thinking about what she would think if she found out I was a criminal. It almost sounded like she was saying my name. Oh S***! "Whitty you nearly passed my house and no swearing!" Sorry Carol. "Thank you" As we stepped into her house I set her down and kinda stood there awkwardly. She laughed and motions for me to come into her kitchen. I take off my shoes and walk into her kitchen still very awkward. She tells me to sit down so I take a seat next to her. She opens the bags and serves herself and me a plate of food. After eating and talking about our day and stuff like that, I wash the dishes and she leads me to the guest room and she apologized for not having pajamas in my size. I tell her it honestly isn't her fault because she didn't even plan me. She shows me where everything is including her room so I know where to go if I " need anything " in which I probably won't. I ask if I could take a shower real quick and she says "ok! As long as you know which soap is which!" I nod and make my way to the shower after she gives me my towel. After showering I climb into the guest bed. It feels weird cause its been around 9 years since I have slept in a bed. I finally sleep after 2 hours.

735 words not counting these thanks for reading! Love you guys and have a nice day/night! Peace out!

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