Log 73: 25/08/2021

21 1 0

Wednesday 12:16 PM

Hello guys, I have just made a really dramatic change with how I want to get my powers. That might not make sense, so let me explain.

I've decided to shift into a different reality to learn all about my powers. I just kinda thought of it yesterday while reading a few wattpad books. I've also updated my playlist so here are the two subs I'm now using.

1 - This booster is 100x more powerful then all & every boosters out there.
(by SF Station)
2 - Shift to your desired reality
(by me)

I was looking for the booster I made, but then came across that one, so I decided to try it out for a bit and see what results I get.

Also, the reality I want to shift into is MHA, I know its probably not the best but, they use powers and know a lot about them + I'll be able to hang out and have fun while training with them. I have scripted a bit but, I am going to keep that to myself for now, Idk if I'll share it later on, I might do.

I am going to be trying the 'Intent' method, aka, I'll be putting my phone under my pillow (it has my script on it) and saying affirmations like "I've shifted" and "I'm in my desired reality" etc.

I have no idea how long it will take, but, I've been looking on TikTok for some tips and I've learnt a lot from it. If you plan on shifting, I highly recommend looking stuff up on TikTok.

I think that's all for now, I'll update when I try shifting (I plan on trying tonight). Cya guys next time


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