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“I love you” might be the hardest thing to say before otorhinolaryngologist. Althought, they enjoyed the first time they said it.

Their dates aren't the best, and they try to make them the best, but they can't. There's something they can't do.

They went to the top of Dragons pine and cuddled together to dampen the cold. But there's something else.

They fought Ruin Guards together, and got lots of materials. But there's something else.

And they fought with Inazuma's samurais. There's something else.

Something else to make their date amazing.

Lumine asked Sucrose, who had somehow more experience in this area, a tip for her first date.

Sucrose told her that her first date was a laboratory date. She and Albedo made a new variation of sweet flower, the one they called "ilbirose sweet flower", but creating a new specimen of flower wouldn't be a good idea for Dain and Lumi, so she discarded the idea.

Sucrose, instead, proposed something else; Doing something they enjoy doing together. And then, an Idea came across her mind.

Some days passed, and Lumine asked Dain to teleport with her to Liyue Harbor, because why not? Dainsleif, who was suspecting about her plans, finally accepted, and teleported near the Wanmin Restaurant.

Dainsleif was surprised, because when they arrived to such restaurant, there was lot of food in the counter.

—“Here, Mister.” —Xiangling said, pointing to the buffet. —“This place is reserved for you two, so please enjoy!” —She smiled.

Dainsleif was surprised. Did she buy all this food for them?

He didn't care about this one thing, and had dinner with his beautiful date. But yet, there was something else.

They enjoyed the dinner, but Dainsleif wasn't going to keep silence.

—“Lumi” —He spoke. —“Why did you get all this food?”

—“Dain” —She said. —“I wanted to have a date, doing something we both love doing, and we love having dinner, right?” —She smiled.

Her intentions were genuine. But yet, once again, there was something else.

Once they finished their date, they decided to go back to the Teapot, where they've been living for a while.

Their night was quiet, and uncomfortable, like they've been in the recent days, specifically when those dates happen.

Lumine could sleep, but Dain was still figuring out how make a perfect date with her. She made so much for him, he wanted to pay back.

At midnight, without Lumine noticing, he leaved the teapot and visited a lonely Yaksha that was known for dating the well-known Adeptus, Ganyu.

He was sitting in Azhdaha's lair, reflecting in the moonlight, when he appeared, and surprised him.

—“A human coming to this place? alone?” —Xiao asked. —“What are you needing for coming to such a dangerous place?”

—“Advice.” —Dain answered. —“I need advice for a perfect date.”

And days passed once again, and Dainsleif asked Lumine to go somewhere. Lumine, excited, accepted.

The place was nothing but Jueyun Karst.

—“What are we doing here, Dain?” —Lumine asked in confussion.

A Flower Crown for another Flower (Dainsleif X Lumine)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon