(1) The Manor

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A/N(The image above was AI generated.)

Chapter 1.

Prince Winter's (The 13th Prince) P.O.V

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The knocking on my door wakes me from my restless slumber, yet another night of tossing and turning painful memories of the past afflicts my dreams, stealing whatever sleep I could've gotten. The knocking gets louder, I try my hardest to get out of bed but I simply do have the will anymore.

The sounds of kays turning in a lock are heard, I turn my head to see Vivian the head maid of the 13th Manor House which is home to the male children of the Seventh Queen. Manor Houses are only given when a Queen (to which there are 12) has a Male offspring.

It is considered an honor for princes to receive a Manor appointed by the Emperor, but the truth is that these Manors are just really big prisons that happen to be well furnished and have a few servants. In the Emperor's eyes female offspring are useful {marriage purposes ect.} while male offspring are potential threats to be killed, sold or married off at a young age to keep them from having thoughts of gaining power.

I eventually get out of bed and the servants dress me the coat I wear 2 sizes bigger than my frame. Soon breakfast is prepared It's nothing special, mostly consisting of vegetables and grain.

Meat is sometimes served but only when there's been a banquet in the Royal Palace, they like to go all out with their celebrations.

If I remember correctly I haven't been to a banquet since I was 12, not that I enjoyed being there, the food served was the only good thing to delight in.

So the leftovers are usually sent to the Manors in order of rank. Manor 13 would be lucky to get meat included in the leftovers. Either way I am happy that I get something to eat when the day comes.

I surprise myself every morning I open my eyes, the fact that I am still alive.

I don't think I would have the will to live if it wasn't for him. I stop eating the moment a wave of emotions crashes over me.

{Why do I always think of Him.}

I am disgusted with myself, saddened and angry at what he did but I also long to see him again, to look into those eyes and ask him why?...

"Prince 13 is the food not to your liking?" Vivian asked while directing some servants who were on cleaning duty.

"No, it's alright as always, you may continue with whatever you were doing."

I don't bother lifting my head as I say this, because I don't know what expression might appear on my face. I would rather not add oil to the already bizarre rumors surrounding me, I am not insane as they think, well at least not yet, but with everyday that passes I feel I am a little closer to my breaking point.

After a few minutes of me struggling to swallow my vegetable soup, I stopped and signaled to the maid in charge of food preparation to remove the bowl of soup.

I decided I will just have some tea this morning. The maid is about to pick up the bowl when the sound of metal falling is heard from the hall, followed by Vivian yelling at someone to stop.

Then I hear laughter that seems to be getting louder as the person gets nearer to the door of my dining room. I know who it is at this point so I continued sipping my tea waiting for my welcomed intruder to arrive at the door.

Moments later the double doors to the dining room swing open. I turn to see my hyperactive 7 year old brother Gail, Prince 16 (at present) grinning from ear to ear like he accomplished something great.

I smile in response to his energetic behavior, he runs over to me with his arms wide expecting a hug, I comply embracing him.

My younger brother always brightens my day even if it's only for a short time away. I look into his violet carefree eyes as he begins to tell me about his recent adventures, like how he got to attend a party held for one of the 8th Queen's daughters and that he was complimented for his dance performance, by the Emperor at a banquet held recently and that he got to have lunch with Seventh QueenMother.

My smile fades at the last part. Noticing my change in mood Gail switched to another topic. It's not that I hate hearing about QueenMother it just makes me feel empty inside. I miss openly receiving her love.

I believe she still cares for me, but she can't show it directly, for fear of raising the Emperor's suspicions. Gail is too young to understand this so I avoid answering his questions.

Thankfully he does not ask this time knowing I won't answer and probably push him away. I tend to keep everyone away from my heart.

I don't want them to get too close, next I get hurt again, but my little brother is the exception.

Bug Bye^••^Bye~

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