(2) A Box

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Chapter 2.

Prince Winter's P.O.V

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Gail pushes a wooden box on the table, then he tries to climb onto my lap. I lift him up as I notice he is having some trouble. He may be seven years but his height is that of a 4 year old. Although he wasn't born early and there weren't any problems with his birth,he is very small for his age. It is probably due to the fact that he is a triplet, the last born and only boy in that birth.

Mother naturally had to give priority to the girls at the Emperor's command, but she still raised Gail nursing him at least once a day when she could and she used substitute milk early around 2 months. It's already hard being born male in this imperial 'Family', but to be born male along with a few females in your birth was usually an early death sentence.

Having a girl is a blessing while having a boy is a burden. All the Queens know this, and more often than not would abandon their boys especially if they had a girl to take care of.

No I am not exaggerating things, people can be cruel when faced with desperation. A really bitter example is the thoughts that came to mind; there were about eleven other births by different Queens before Gail was born if I remember correctly, I was 14 or 15 years at the time and 9 out of the 11 births (Gail not included) had a boy being born, if they had all survived past age 2 Gail would have been Prince 23 instead of Prince 16. It's a sad fate that many Princes have succumbed to.

I find it unfair that only the Empress's children are spared this turmoil.

I was the only child in my birth so mother did raise me well enough, probably because I resembled her older brother in his youth. Sadly he disappeared not long after mother was married to father she was 17 at the time and already pregnant with her 1st child.

I recall while hiding from my Instructor, I overheard my mother's maids talking about it. Apparently this caused an uproar in House Afallon, Mother's family as they didn't approve of father's position as next ruler, there was already much suspicion regarding his succession to the throne.

Gail begins pulling at my long light silver hair, this distracts me from my thoughts as I quickly remove his hand. I really don't like anyone to touch my hair. It makes me feel uneasy for some reason and I feel vulnerable. Hair is like an extension of oneself so it's common courtesy to ask before touching someone's hair, even among family members.

Gail pouts flooding his arms while sulking, "Big brother never allows me to touch his hair, that's not fear I let you touch mine, not fear, not fear, no fear!" Gail exclaims in frustration tugging at his short dark orange almost red hair.

I don't respond while looking in his direction. He quickly quiets down after seeing the look on my face, he seems scared for a moment before looking away.

I love him dearly but won't stand for his 'I want it my way' behavior, mother still allows it so everyone sees it as fine but not me. He is getting older, already 7 years old and he is going to see a harsher reality soon.

I wish I had someone to tell me the truth instead of protecting me, because once that shield is gone the sharp arrows of reality cut through leaving painful scars.

Gail points to the wooden box he put on the table, I pick it up, it feels warm, he tells me to open it.

On opening it the smell of freshly baked bread fills my nose. I told myself I wasn't going to eat it but my body betrays me as a loud rumbling noise is hard from my stomach as I lay my eyes on what I believed they called 'Fried Chicken' resting in the box next to the bread buns covered with some red sauce. I have had it before but it's been almost a decade since.

"It's for you big brother. I already had my fill earlier this morning, so mother-I mean I wanted you to have some, hehe... it's almost lunch time anyway".

Other than his speech Gail's facial expressions gives away who really sent this for me. I put a bun to my mouth enjoying the month watering smell as I take a bite. I eat it silently, not bothering to protest this time about why he brought this for me instead of eating it himself.

Bug Bye^••^Bye~

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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