[Character intros]

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Name: Bon 
Age: Teenager 
Pronouns: She / They

(She/her is used when Bon was younger.
Also They/Them and She/Her pronouns alternate per sentence) 

-Ginger hair with teal tips
                           -Green eye and aqua colored X
                           -Polar fleece jumper and white gloves
Power(s): Reality warp, portals, Glitching, Multiple lives, ???

(Bon has SO many more powers...)

Personality: Quiet, confused, curious, kind
Likes: Drawing, water, stars, YT, tigers, Creating their own stories, dreamcore, Cartoons , ???
Dislikes and/or fears: Ants, loud crowds, onions, death, unknown, ???
Alignment: Neutral Good
Most common quote(s): "I'm sorry"  


Name: Sodium 

(Sodium is a side of Bon which represents insanity, it's gotten to the point where she is so much unlike Bon that she is a completely different person)

Age: Teenager (mentally)
Pronouns: She / Her
-Ginger hair in a ponytail with orange and red streaks
-dark red eye and blood orange colored X
-dark Crimson sleeveless hoodie and black fingerless gloves
-bandage raps all over
Power(s): Extra energy, static shock, reality warp, summon weapon - Metal bat
Personality: Loud, chaotic, unpredictable, active, wild
Likes: Breaking rules, loud music, graffiti, energy drinks, glitchcore
Dislikes and/or fears: Rules, being told what to do, being forgotten, control
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Most common quote(s): "Lets f*ck some Sh*t up!"  


Name: A4 

(A4 is a ghost/shadow being, in her past life she was known as Anna Peters, a teacher...but now things have changed)

Age: in her 30's (Death age)
Pronouns: She / Her
- Dull skin with flame like hair
- Dark eyes with one of them changing the shape of the pupil while the other stays as a cross
-A suit jacket with a dull yellow shirt that has faint blood marks near the chest
-Pencils stabbed all around 
-One hand is crystalized formed with a light mint color
Power(s): To create trap worlds in dreams, Damaging people without contact, Cristal like shard manipulation, shadow type arkain magic, Basic ghost abilities, Reality warp
Personality: Calm, profesional, jealous, spiteful, manipulative yet somewhat caring, smart.
Likes: Rules, justice, karma, reading, power, academia aesthetic
Dislikes and/or fears: Fires, the afterlife, failular, brats
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Most common quote(s): "You should really learn how to quiet down your stupidity more often sweetheart"  


Name: Oli

(Oli is a recent new character, being Bon's best friend and often joins Bon on aventures. they meet in a Yandere AU (The Doodled notebook and stained blouses one)

Oli is F to NB, Bon meets Oli at NB however so this fact is kinda unknown)
Age: Teenager
Pronouns: They / Them
Appearance: -White hair in a short braid 
-light blue and white eyes 
-Oversized hoodie 
-Doggie eared beanie
Power(s): Animal instinct/control, Gravity shift, Multiple lives, ???
(Can get many more as time goes on like Bon)

Personality: Brave, Loyal, friendly, foolish at times... kinda like a dog aura 
Likes: Animals (Dogs are top tier), anime, gaming, Cartoons, fish, pastels , Vanilla 
Dislikes and/or fears: Needles , Yanderes , Being referred as a female , ghosts
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Most common quote(s): "Hmmm what does this butto- " *Presses button*  


Purple Dude (Alexander):
once a brat while A4, was alive being the main factor why she died he now as a young adult tries to live his life but it's full of crime and they still owe A4 to his dismay.
he/they pronouns, trying they/them more but A4 used he/him
(same as how A4 used she/her only for Bon)

[ ] is a character that Bon befriends on an adventure and they two develop a strong friendship
This character becomes a time traveling magical girl in another series.
After all of that [ ] goes to look for their pass friend, being offended that Bon has forgotten them...so  she goes out of her way to make sure Bon can try and remember her name...
its seems as Bon is trying to remember her but something is blocking them... as if someone wiped it all away...


Bon And Sodium V

Bon And Sodium V

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A4 V

Oli                            v

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Oli                            v

And that's them so far :Dhopefully this can explain a few thingAnd yes Hi My name is Bon

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And that's them so far :D
hopefully this can explain a few thing

And yes Hi My name is Bon...um well Real Bon not OC Bon...heh it's hard to explain...guess i'm giving myself a backstory lol
Um hope you like it and till next time

(I'll always use bold if its not part of a story/lore btw)

=A glitch in the universe - Bon's Lore=Where stories live. Discover now