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"You can wait here"

I sat at an empty room in this foster home in my city, I was waiting for the children to be bring inside the room, I'm doing a research about the foster kids future career and how they fell about about it.

I just want to get inside their minds so everything would be reliable I also want to inspire them in looking for ways and do some changes.

Its my third day visiting here and I'm already half way to 40 respondents I needed.

"Ms. Dorithel"

A nun called out for my last name and I stop writing looking at her smilig.

"This is your last respondent for today."

the nun stepped aside revealing a nice looking young boy with a sad look in his eyes but it seems like his good at hiding because he manage to provide a poker face.

The nun lead him to sit infront of me and then she left the scene, the boy was very quiet unlike those other children, I slightly look at him while my head faces my folder.


I said and smiled putting down the folder that is covering my face and he still kept a poker face.

"I'm Rosa, What is your name?"

I introduced myself to him with a big smile and like what i did to the other kids I expected that he would say his name to me.

"You already know"

He said and glance at the folder that is perfectly laid on the steel table, I look at him and chuckled.

"You're a smart boy for your age"

I said and give him a smirk I look deeply in his eyes and saw fear inside even though he's hiding it upfront, I shrugged it off and focused on him.

"so you probably know my intention."

I said softly with a light smile and he just moved his head saying no, he got scared of that smirk.

"Hey Tommy I'm sorry I scared you, I was... um so insensitive."

I stuttered saying that while I look down, then I felt a cold hand on top of mine I look to who belong it belongs and I saw Tommy smiling at me.

"Its okay"

I smiled back at him, I sat properlyand open up my notebook ready to ask for him queastions.

"I don't have any answers to your questions, I'm not really an ambitious kid."

He said looking down and I can feel the sadness in his soul, but honestly I'm impressed.

"How did you know?"

I tap his shoulder and he look at me then look back down.

"the other kids were talking about it outside."

I sat back trying to think of something to make this kid aim for something , but I have thought of a different idea, I grab a small kity toy that is in my backpack.

"Here have this, I want you to hold on to it. I will comeback next week for you and I want you to think of what you want to be in the future okay?"

I gave him the stuff animal and stand as he also stand walking with me to the door.

"That was long."

Right after I opened the door Cassandra Cain was infront of me, I wave goodbye to the boy as the nun get him.
I look at Cain and crossed my arms.

"Detective Cain, haven't I told you to wait outside?"

I walk pass her and she follow me.

"Hey young lady"

she grab my shoulder so that I could face her.

"I told you so many times to never get out of your house during the weekends without me."

she furiously said and I just rolled my eyes and started walking, I didn't even mind giving her any explaination, I just don't understand why she's so overprotective of me since parents introduced me to her she's been a tail all my life.

It's not that I hate her I just want freedom sometimes, play by my own rules.

she was still talking about my safety when we were in her car and that made me talk back.

"Cain you don't have to be so protective, I have killed people already without anyone knowing."

she was about to say another word but she only let out a heavy breathing.

"I'm turning 18 soon, I want my life to be in my hands when that day co-"

I was just calmly talking when she cut me off.

"No, and no buts"

She straightly said that which made me drop my jaw, IF i couldn't use this cop for something I would have killed her a long rime ago.

the car ride was silent.

Yeah I'm just 17 and yes you can call me a serial killer or an assasin I don't care, I kill villans though so maybe that makes me a cop? a secret agent or something?

I'm in first year college because of my advance intellectual learning ability and I'm getting the course Psychology, and when I finish college I'm planning to fly into another country and start a new life there and stop killing.

Cain might probably retire by then so she wouldn;t need me as her side kick but before that happen I would make sure and kill the worse madman in the city of Gotham, I don't live there but Cain and I work there.

The Joker is the last in my list, Cain and I never talked about this villan but I know more than her maybe and I know that his death is near.

and to her precious lover Harley Quinn.

Rosa: Harley Quinn's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now