Chapter 2

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"Remus it's me, (Y/n) (Y/l/n), from Hogwarts! You used to tutor me during your last year remember?" She asked through the door.

The door opened and there stood a man. Not the boy who would give her chocolates whenever she would do good on her exams, not the beautifully freckled and scarred boy but a man with responsibilities on his shoulders. One who looked as if he hadn't slept in years. He looked like life had done a number on him.

"(Y/n)! How good is it to see you! Please come in." The lycan welcomed her inside. "Please excuse the state of the place..." he trailed off.

"No no that's absolutely fine. So how have you been?" The girl questioned.

"I've seen better days.. it takes time to cope up with these kind of incidents." He stated as both of them sat on the opposite couches. The house was in a gloomy state. The living room, where they currently sat, was lit only by the sunrays making their way through the flowy curtains.

"I understand. I'm sorry to hear about James and Lily. I still remember how all of you took me under your wing. It was like our own little world." She muttered with tears at brink.

"Peter as well you know... he killed him along with those 12 muggles". Remus said bitterly. His tone indicating how deeply the lie was rooted in him and how it was going to take time, patience and persuasion to bring him to face the truth.

"Yeah about that..". (Y/n) mumbled as of testing the waters of the sensitive subject, "Peter is alive. I wasn't able to find him, no,bur I'm positive that t'was him who sold the Potters' location to Voldemort."

The lycan was enraged by the mere thought of it. "And what makes you say so? Need I remind you that you are just a kid? What do you know about grief? You should really give it a thought before making such baseless assumptions".

"Remus you were younger than me when you got bitten. Sirius was my age when he left his home. James, Lily, all of you, you lot were my age when you made strong decisions of fighting the war and standing up for the right. And as far as grief is concerned, you damn well know that James and Lily were my family too.

"I might not have all the proofs needed or a solid concrete evidence but I'm willing to strive for it. I've been working on this case, collecting statements, connecting piece after piece, since the day I got the news of James and Lily's demise. All this just so that I could get Sirius out of that horrible place. I just need your help. That's all I ask for. For you to just corporate enough. No one knew them better than you. You were there when everything-"

"STOPPP!!" Remus bellowed. "(Y/n), it was nice meeting you after so long but I think it's time you go. I wou-". He took a deep breath, " I wouldn't want to lose my calm discussing things with a dead-end." Remus continued after gaining his composure.

(Y/n)'s mouth was still slightly agape, she stopped herself and huffed harshly. She didn't have any opinion other than to leave the lad to himself.

Disappointed and saddened, she returned to her home. All her visits were similar, she would sometimes bring him groceries, chocolates or even flowers and just leave them at the door. Throughout the year she tried reaching out to him, but everytime she would return empty handed.

It had taken her more than a year and a half to gather and bring everything together for the case. All the alibis, witnesses, statements, and even the major witness she had been working on. After numerous failed attempts and arguments, she was finally able to schedule a trial for Sirius in the Wizengamot. By now, this case wasn't just about a boy she used to know. This case wrapped her efforts and feelings. She had spent the entirety of her school life after 3rd year collecting information and putting the whole case together.

Two days prior to the hearing, (Y/n) found herself at the doorstep of the very same Lycan she'd been trying to see. When she got the same negative response, something snapped inside her.

"Alohomora!" With the slick movement of her wand clad wrist she barged inside the gloomy house. She threw the chocolate bar at Remus' face and started ranting.

"You know what Remus John Lupin, I have had enough of you. For the past year and a half I've been trying and trying and trying to get to you, to prove that your best friend is innocent and he is wrongly accused. That he is rotting in that hellhole of a place and this other best friend of yours is the one who is to be blamed for all this clownery but you are still not believing me! So now let me tell you one thing, I have collected all the clues, I have all the witnesses and alibis, I have put together the whole case and guess what the hearing is in two days. I'm going to get that man out of that horrible place whether you support me or you don't."

She continued in a calm threatening voice, "But just remember, if by chance I'm not able to do that and you're still rotting in this place that you call home, I will make you regret your whole life and you will wish that maybe, just maybe you had snapped out of your dream castle of self pity and helped me."

Remus looked astonished terrified but not only because of her argument but also how she had gotten the whole ordeal done and was now at the final stage.

He sighed heavily and lowered his gaze. After a few tantalising moments muttered, "We could discuss everything over a cup of tea maybe?"

(Y/n) looked at the lad before her for a moment and then agreed begrudgingly.

Remus went into the kitchen while (Y/n) took to the task of spreading out the paperwork and statements she had collected to explain the working and procedure of what type of questions and jabs he should expect.

Remus returned balancing two cups of tea in his hands. He carefully placed them a bit away from all the paperwork and sat next to (Y/n). For the next two days, the duo went over each and every document and rehearsed every argument possible.

"What's bothering you?" (Y/n) asked after taking in Remus' uneasiness.

"Huh? Oh, no nothing." The boy was quick to dismiss the question.

"Come on, I know that look, tell me." She pressed.

"Alright, look, I'm grateful that you are doing this and in no way do I mean to be disregarding but it is not adding up." Remus answered.

"There are many things that don't add up Remus, for instance, why was Pettigrew's body never found? Why were there sightings of Sirius near Peter's hideout before he headed to the Potter's that night? Why didn't Sirius just dis-apparate after he supposedly gave away James and Lily? But that's my work isn't it, connecting the farthest ends of the dots." (Y/n) affirmed.

It was at that moment that Remus realised that she wasn't just fighting this as a case, she was fighting for her friend. He saw a glint of determination and affection in her eyes and he was so proud. Although sceptical, but he was ready for what was to come the next day.

It was the day of trial. (Y/n) was headed to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. She greeted all the alibis which included Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Remus and her own parents. Barty Crouch Sr. was the judge who was reviewing the trial. Needless to say that Remus and the other Professors were surprised to see Snape there.

(A/n)- Hey guys thank you for showing interest in the series. Pls follow, vote and feel free to comment <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2021 ⏰

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