Stake Out

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We found a semi-comfortable place among the rocks, outside the cave, with a view of the platform. We settled in to get comfortable as we prepared for our 'stake-out.'

Darkness descended quickly. I was confused until I remembered we were about eight hours ahead of RuneFrost, so today would be short. I wasn't really tired, so Dembe and I chatted quietly while we stood watch.

"So, there are things I need to learn about being a guardian still," I suggested.

Dembe nodded in acknowledgement. "There are, when you are ready for the title."

"I'm on the strike team, I assumed I was ready," I replied.

Dembe looked in my eyes, directly. "You should not assume."

I sat in silence, not sure what to make of that. Fortunately, Dembe continued. "Aric, your heart is there. You are clearly wanting to help, and you offer help selflessly. Yet still, you know you could not do what Nissa did."

"Dembe, she only did that because I gave her the power."

"No, she did it without you. She sacrificed without you. You hesitated, you agreed and assisted only because you didn't want her death to be for nothing. You did make it worthwhile. But, you are not prepared to truly sacrifice. Trust me, I can see this. You are a welcome addition to our team, and we take you even though you are not a true guardian. No one respects you less. But, if I were to name you guardian right now, I would lose the respect of the team because they know it too."

I didn't know what to say. "All of them?" was all I could muster.

"No," Dembe smiled. "Lily trusts you, but I think you know that."

I nodded. "Is it that obvious?"

Dembe laughed. "To a leader, yes. It is always obvious, or we wouldn't be a good leader."

"Then you know..." I began.

"About Yuki and Gabrielle?" Dembe continued for me, interrupting. "Yes, but Yuki will not do anything about it yet."

I smiled and nodded. "Dembe, what about you?"

"Shh," she silenced me. "We need to keep watch."

And that was the end of the conversation. She didn't want to talk about herself.

* * *

Our watch was nearly coming to an end when something finally happened. A group of four Japanese men appeared in the distance. We heard their heavy footsteps before we saw them. They were huddled in a group and they were transporting a large block between them as they climbed into the cave.

"What are they carrying?" I asked of Dembe, hoping she could see better.

"It is a carved stone. Fye symbols on it. But they are wrong, corrupted I would say. They are hard to read."

I chuckled and focused ær and gave it to Dembe.

"Thanks. I can see them better, but I still can't read them, they have been modified. Like they have been turned to serve a different purpose."

"The Shaid," I observed.

"Maybe, but we need to get that stone, study it."

"Our backup should be here soon."

Dembe nodded. Then we both sat in shock as the portal materialized with magical hum. There was a burst of air as the space it occupied instantly adjusted to the new presence. Yuki and Gabrielle stepped thru and paused to recover. They had just ported in. Unfortunately, they were caught in the moment of discomfort and disorientation caused by the 'port. I was hoping they would remain unnoticed, like we had been in Iceland with the tourists. But they were noticed, somehow these men could detect them. The four men dropped the stone they were carrying and turned on the guardians instantly.

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