-Chapter One-

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Today begins like any other day. My alarm reverberates and I hit snooze. Groaning I get up from my bed so I can get ready for my day. As they say '"Early bird gets the worm". I hope to be getting zero worms today thank you very much just money.

My cat Garfield meows beside my leg as he does when he looks for food. " Okay Garfield I'll give you your food don't worry " . He doesn't respond. I don't even know why I talk away to my cat as if he will answer back, I just find it comforting. My fellow pet owners will understand. Shit I look at my phone and realise I will be late if I don't get a move on. " Bye Garfield behave okay please".

I arrive at the gallery on time thankfully, with mine and my bosses coffee in hand. I can hear her red bottoms clicking on the cold marble so I know she's there before I even turn around. She also smells of Bergamot with notes of Vanilla and Coconut, If i could bottle up the scent trust me I would. " Oh Opal you are a life saver what would i do without you, thanks i needed this". She says this everyday when I bring her coffee she's the sweetest I couldn't have a better boss. "Is there anything you need me to do before I check on the bids for the paintings?" . "Actually could you run to the bank for me , one of the buyers payed through direct transfer and I want to get the money straight away". " Yeah sure thing". To the bank I go .

As I enter the bank I immediately have a lady approach me, " Hello miss are you alright or would you like some help?".  " Actually yes , I am looking to extract money from a business account if possible please". " Yes of course come this wa-

BANG, BANG, BANG is all I hear before a group of people in black walk through the bank doors, " Everyone on the ground now , if you do as I say there will be no problems ". Omg wtf I'm in the middle of a robbery, oh god please don't do anything stupid Opal. The voice shouting orders seemed to have an accent of some sort Russian I think, I'm not too sure. 

"Николай доберитесь до сейфа сзади и заберите деньги." ( Nikolai get to the safe in the back and secure the money). "Да, начальник" (yes boss!)

What the hell are they saying to each other. Goosebumps spread through my body as I feel the chill of breath behind me , I turn my head and I am faced with the most breathtaking woman I have ever seen. She has piercing sapphire eyes which transfix me with their gaze. She surveys my body and a smirk falls upon those perfect pouty lips. Then her gaze lingers on something beside me , her mask. She bends down to grasp it and whispers in my ear. " Privet beautiful, I dropped my mask so you have seen my face but, why don't we keep that a secret between us da?". I'm too stunned to answer so I just not my head. She lets out a chuckle which reverberates through her chest, " Good , see you around babe". She winks then starts to walk away from me, so I get a view of her perfectly ample bottom. " Хорошо, мальчики, давайте отправимся в путь, миссон удалась" ( Alright boys, lets head out the mission was a success). She glances at me before her and the men following her walk out the bank doors, never to be seen again.

What the hell just happened?

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