Extra: Before the Beginning

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The competitive streak of the Dragneel family spans generations. Beginning with Natsu and Lucy, continued by Nashi and Luke. But where did Natsu get it from?

This one-shot answers that question.

Igneel Dragneel an ambitious 18 year old boy who dreams of starting his own company; Grandeeney Marvell an apathetic 18 year old girl who doesn't seem interested in anything.

Igneel constantly teases and pranks Grandeeney, completely unaware that she has a huge crush on him but doesn't want to hold him back.
All of the campers were gathered at the climbing wall for a joint cabin climbing wall competition. They chatted animatedly with one another, casting bets on who was going to win.

As always, there was massive support for young entrepreneur Igneel Dragneel of Cabin Fire. The fiery-eyed boy was athletic and charismatic, effortlessly gaining fans left and right.

In a relatively quiet corner, the girls of Cabin Dragon stretched and pulled on their climbing shoes. With exception of one.

"What's the matter, Dee?" Irene noticed her impassive friend staring at her climbing shoes rather than putting them on. "I thought you wanted to participate this year."

Grandeeney Marvell had never been very athletic, therefore she always opted out of the climbing wall competition in years past. But she was 18 now, therefore this was the last year she could attend Camp Fairy as a camper.

When the normally reserved girl voiced interest in competing for her final year, her cabin mate and best friend was elated.

"Is something wrong?" Irene approached. She noted that Grandeeney wasn't looking at the climbing shoes, but inside them.

Irene grabbed the shoes and flipped them over. Small metal objects fell out onto the grass. She bent and studied them. "Are these... thumb tacks?"

"Damn it Irene! You ruined it!" Igneel came bursting out of nowhere. "I wanted to see what expression she would make!"

"You ass!" Irene threw Grandeeney's shoes at him. "Do you have any brain cells? What would've happened if Dee hadn't noticed in time? She could've been seriously hurt!"

Igneel scratched the back of his head. "I guess you're right." He turned to Grandeeney. "I'm sorry. It was only supposed to be a prank."

Grandeeney quickly turned away, but avoiding eye contact only worsened the genuine guilt in Igneel's eyes. Irene rolled hers, knowing the reason her friend couldn't look him in the eye wasn't anger.

I don't get what Dee even likes about that dense doofus, Irene thought, sighing.

"I just wanted to see the expression you made! Why are you so flat-faced?" Igneel complained. He'd been trying for years to see Grandeeney's express herself, with the ultimate goal of making her smile.

For that reason, Igneel pulled countless pranks and practical jokes on her, but Grandeeney never reacted to him.

"What can I do to get a reaction out of you?" Igneel asked, pouting.

Grandeeney clenched her fists and didn't respond. Even though she'd had a massive crush on him for years, she was determined not to let it show.

He was the center of attention while she was a wallflower. How could she possibly support him as he ventured into the business world?

Camp Fairy: BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now