Bad apple

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Mira stares at me, face covered in tomato sauce and fuming mad, with her mouth agape.

"What happened?" She asks.

I tell her about the really rude kid who didn't want to be at camp. "He should just go home then," I huff. "Don't drag others down with your foul mood! Y'know Mira, I'm really glad I dropped the sauce on that pink-haired bastard's foot. He deserved it!"

If Mira was surprised before, she's definitely surprised now. "Pink hair?!"

"Yeah. Why?" I tilt my head in confusion.

"There's only one boy I know with pink hair, and that's Natsu Dragneel!" Mira shouts.

I blanche. I don't know who Natsu is, but I've definitely heard about his dad. Igneel Dragneel owns the company my dad works for.

"Let's get you cleaned up." Mira's words remind me that I still have tomato sauce all over my face. Oh Mavis, how embarrassing.

With Mira around, the hour passes like a breeze. Working all my part-time jobs, I've have both ends of the spectrum when it comes to coworkers, and pleasant ones are infinitely preferable.

We set the food out on tables, buffet style, as hungry campers start piling into the dining hall. I scan the hall and spot his spiky pink hair almost immediately. He's alone, looking bored with life.

I grit my teeth. I can't leave this be! Natsu Dragneel's attitude is going to be the bad apple that spoils my summer. He wants to leave right? I'll have to help him on his way.

I stare at the food and smirk.

"Hey Mira?" I ask the white-blonde innocently.

"What?" She looks at me suspiciously.

"Am I free to go now?"

"Oh, yeah. See you in the morning." Mira nods.

"Great, see you!" I'm already piling a plate high with spaghetti. And a generous helping of sauce. Then I grab the salt shaker and dump at least half of it into the plate.

"Um, Lucy, are you trying to give somebody a heart attack?" Mira asks.

"I love salt." I smile and put a finger over my lips. Then I gesture in the general direction of you-know-who. Mira's eyes widen in realization.

I mix the salt well in with the sauce so it looks safe to eat. Proud of my concoction, I once again locate the telltale pink hair and make my way over.

Natsu is surrounded by a ring of space. He emanates such a negative aura that no one dares to get near. Except for me, that is.

I set the plate down in front of him. He blinks in surprise, then looks up at me.

"On the house." I joke.

His eyes light up in recognition. "Kitchen Girl."

I force my smile to stay on my face, but secretly grind my teeth. "It's Lucy, actually."

"Natsu." He nods in greeting then looks down at the food. "What's this?"

"Here's the deal," I sit down next to him. "I think we got off on the... wrong foot."

Natsu winces at the reminder.

"To make up, I figured I'd do something nice." I gesture to the spaghetti. Eat it and weep.

"Thanks." Natsu still looks a little suspicious, but picks up the fork and twirls it in the noodles.

I resist the urge to pump my fist until after he's gagging in disgust.

"Can you believe that? Lucy drops ten pounds of sauce on my foot and then she has the gall to spike my food with salt? I had to drink a gallon of water so I didn't get dehydrated!" I fume into the phone.

"Why did you eat it then?" I hear amusement in Dad's voice.

"I tried to throw it away, but this white haired chef threw a knife and yelled 'No wasting food!' Then everyone blamed me for irritating the she-devil. Now I know where Lucy gets her devious streak."

"It sounds like you're having fun with this Lucy girl." Dad mentions.

"With Lucy? No way!" The thought is appalling.

"Too bad." I can practically here Dad grinning, then I realize my mistake. Dad just gave me a golden opportunity to go home and I blew it!

Can't hurt to try anyway. "Please come get me."

"I thought you weren't having fun?" Dad laughes heartily. "I have to go, Natsu."

My phone beeps.

"Later, Dad." I sigh. He's always so busy. If I do make it to family night, he probably won't show.

I fall back on my bed. The other guys are at evening activities, but I have much more import things to deal with. Aka, plot revenge on Lucy.

What can I do to get back at her? What's as important to a girl as food is to a guy? I think of all the snooty women who hang around Dad, trying to become to next Mrs. Dragneel.

They freak out whenever they so much as chip a nail. I guess appearance? How could I mess up Lucy's appearance? Would Lucy even care about something so superficial?

I remember her trying to hide her identity by splashing tomato sauce on her face and chuckle. Lucy is nothing like those gold-diggers.

No wait, Lucy is the enemy! I slap my cheeks and remember how I thought maybe she was okay when she brought me food, not knowing about the salt. Before I watched her fist pump at my expense.

Then I remember what we're having for breakfast tomorrow. Pancakes. And when you have pancakes, that naturally comes with them right?

I cackle. Oh Lucy, you're going to wish you never messed with Natsu Dragneel. This is no time to be laying around. I jump to my feet and open the door of Cabin Fire.

My roommates—Jellal, Gajeel, and Gray—stare back at me. I recall during dinner that these guys happen to have a rivalry with the girls in Cabin Dragon. I was originally trying to keep them at arm's length because I was going to leave as soon as possible, but maybe they can help me with my revenge scheme.

I tell them my plan once we're inside the cabin with the door shut.

"I'm in." Gajeel smirks.

Gray nods too. "Anything to get Juvia to stop calling me Gray-sama."

"I guess..." Jellal concedes.

"Alright, it's decided." I pound my fist together and grin. "Then it's time to commence Operation Switch It With Syrup!"

Camp Fairy: BeginningsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora