The beginning of a friendship

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Hey those kids are always throwing rocks at my widows i hate it let me check if they are near the church

Who is that right there wait HELLO WHAT IS YOUR NAME!?, Says sarvente *Sighs* ruv, says ruv
HELLO RUV what are you doing doing today, says Sarvente do you have to be so frickin preppy, moans Ruv wh-, gasps sarvente geez haven't you heard a curs-, says Ruv

RUVVIE YOU CANT CURSE IN MY CHURCH, shouts Sarvente *gets holy water spray bottle* NO NO YOU WILL NOT DO THIS TO ME, screams Ruv yes i can Ruv and i will and i don't actually care you need to be more holy, explained Sarvente *sprays water on Ruv* I HATE YOU FOR NOW, shouts Ruv I'm so sorry I hope we can still be friends at least I didn't want to make you angry just don't curse in my church please, cries Sarvente sorry but DONT DO THAT AGAIN, says Ruv ok i don't make any promises RUVVIE, laughs Sarv don't call me ruvvie, sighs Ruv

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