chapter 8

637 31 4

Waking up and realizing I don't have work today, I got up out of bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up

          30minutes later

After I shower I decided Since today is a nice day I decided to wear a sundress a red one with white flowers on it that reaches my knees and some sandals, I chose to let my hair down today

Getting out of my room I see Mia on her phone on the couch with her back to me

"Good morning," I said making her know I'm here

"Hey, good morning where are you going?"

"Going out for the day but first getting breakfast wanna get some with me?"

"Of course whoever says no to food" when she said that she got up and leave to her room

Taking a sit I wait till she gets back then, I remembered I left my purse in my room getting up to go get it, I found it on the bed once I found it I leave the room getting out of my room to find a ready Mia

"Ready?".I asked

"Yes. where are we going?"

"Hmm to a diner down the street I heard it's good"

"Alright it better be good or I'm suing you, Kayla"

"I promise it will be good trust me. Do you trust me?"


"Well let's go then"


"This looks nice"

"Yeah it is let's check inside mia"

"Yeah let's go"

Entering the diner my nose instantly was filled with the delicious scent of pancakes

Taking a seat at the booth at the corner of the diner then couple minutes later a waitress come

She had blonde hair with some bright green eyes, looked to be in her twenties

She smiled brightly before saying

"Hi I'm Lisa I'm going to be your waitress for the day what would you like to order?

Looking at the menu before me I finally found what I want I told her, Mia order samething like me

Waiting for our meal I decided to break the silence between us

"Do you like it here so far?"

"Of course I do its peaceful plus I love the smell of food makes my mouth run"

Laughing at what she said we continue to talk till our food got here

Taking a big bit this must  be love at first sight cause I'm in love with this

"Mhhhh this tastes so good," Mia said with a mouth full of food  nodding my head in agreement because I cannot open my mouth to speak because my mouth is very full of food

Finishing our meal we got up to leave not before paying and leaving a tip and exit the diner afterward we both drove in conversation

"I have to go again"

"Yeah, can we just spend the whole day there trying other things on the menu?"

Stopping in my tracks I turn to her

"What no are you crazy when you're alone but not with me"

Kissing her teeth she asked

"Where too next?"

"To the mall to get a new outfit"

"Yes thank God cause I need a new wardrobe"

"You always need a new wardrobe Mia"

"Soooo come on I need new clothes"

          At the mall💫

"Which store first," I asked

"How about that one, "Mia said pointing to a new store that just opened up


Walking over to the store we enter the store

"In here is huge"

"Yeah it i-wow Kay there is a cute shirt over there look"

Looking where she is looking I see a really cute shirt It's a blue and white shirt with cute writing on it

Walking over to it I pick it up and it's beautiful

"I'm going to try this on"

"Yeah you should while you do that while I look for something else"

Saying a quick okay I walk over to the changing room to try on the shirt

Putting on the shirt turning around I look in the mirror THIS IS NICE

Taking off the shirt I when out of the changing room to find Mia when I see her I head over to her

"How does the shirt look "

We both continue to shop while talking and sharing jokes we both got lots of clothes I got 7 pairs of jeans,8 shirts,5dress and 4 pairs of shoes Mia on the other hand wanted another wardrobe 9 pairs of jeans, 10 shirts, 8 dresses and 7pairs of shoes

"Mia" I called out to her making her turn around


"I think we need a break because my feet are killing plus I'm hungry"

Rolling her eyes and kissing her teeth at me she said

"You always hungry and complaining God you're annoying"

Rolling my eyes at her I said

"I'm not annoying you're just being a bitch right now and how do you expect me to keep my shape if I don't eat? This ass comes with food without it it's gone"

Right as I said that she started laughing then I end up laughing with her

"Your right let's go to the food court," she said still laughing


       At the food court

As got to the food court I rush over to order the one thing on my mind when I order and got our food we both got a seat

"I miss my parents even my baby brother Jaden I'm gonna see them soon"

Hearing her mention Jaden name I instantly wanna cry I miss him so much blinking away the tears I replied

"Yeah you should visit them it's been a long time since you went"

"Yeah your right you know it's been really busy lately you know with work and all I hardly even have time for myself"

"Yeah your right I understand that we both are busy it's been a long time since we even have an hour together"

"Yeah, I miss us hanging out together so how you and your parents?"

"Yeah it's good I guess mom is going to have her birthday soon dad said she wants me to come"

"You should go"

Shrugging my shoulder I replied

"I guess I should go"

"Some times I wonder about Jaden you know his real parents"

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