Chapter 7

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Bo de boop bop boop

Chris’s joke was cut off halfway through as the shrill sound of a phone rang out through the room. We all stopped and looked over at PJ who was rifling through his pocket, trying to find the noisy culprit. When he finally dragged it out, he held the phone out at an angle so we couldn’t see the screen and read the contact.

Whether it was a trick of the light or not, but as I watched PJ seemed to visibly drain of all colour. He swallowed and then seemed to remember the rest of us sitting there watching him, standing up and looking at us.

“I need to take this, I’ll just be a second. You guys can carry on.” He smiled warmly at us and walked out the room with his phone in one hand. Phil and Chris accepted that and unpaused the game but for some strange reason I felt as though PJ was just acting. What was up with him?

I tried to play Mario Kart and dispel any thoughts of him from my mind but I couldn’t help myself as I kept drifting back to him in the other room. What was he doing? Who was calling him? And why did he react like that?

An angry drug dealer? Pizza Hut calling on his debt? Missed his mum’s birthday?

It was no use. My curiosity got the better of me like always and before I realised it, I was setting my controller on the arm of the sofa and standing up, making Chris and Phil look up at me.

“I’m just going to go to the bathroom.” I lied smoothly, smiling at them and stepping out the room.

I followed the sound of PJ’s voice and found his bedroom door ajar with his words leaking out. I had to get close otherwise I wouldn’t be able hear what he was saying, so I carefully edged closer until I was balanced right outside the door. Turning my head to one side, I tried to quieten my breathing and listen.

I couldn’t believe I was doing this. I had resorted to listening in on my friends phone calls. God, what a great friend I am. I’m too paranoid.

I told myself to shut up and then listened closely to what he was saying.

“…what do you mean I have to do it today?” His voice was rushed and low. I could just imagine him pacing about in his room, tugging on his curly locks. After each time he spoke there was a pause as I imagined the person on the other line said something. 

“I just don’t know if it would be the best option.”

“No, of course I haven’t formed personal attachments! I’m a professional.” A professional in what?

“Yes, I have it. It was delivered to me two days ago.” What was delivered?

“And why on Earth didn’t you tell me you’d be sending another-“

The floorboard underneath my foot creaked under my weight and I heard PJ stop talking into the phone. I held my breath and waited with baited breath, wondering if we was going to come and investigate.

“Sorry, I thought I heard something… Yes I’ll make sure. Goodbye.”

Before I knew it, footsteps were making their way to the door. I quickly turned and ran as fast as I could down to the end of the hallway where I then managed to grab a few seconds to compose myself. Hoping I didn’t look too flushed I walked back into the living-room and sat down next to Phil, who was talking about some TV show with Chris.

What was PJ talking about back there? It sounded very serious and I’ve never heard him speak like that before. What the hell was all that crap about ‘personal attachments’ about? Was that about Chris and him or something? So many unanswered questions but I can’t seem to find the answers.

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