I'm Not The Only One

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A mysterical future.

A magical world.

A world that every girl had dreamed about.

"Is that Jazmine Prerie?" I heard somone whispering from behind me.

"She fucking is. Her hair. Her silhouette. She is Jazmine fucking Prerie!" A girl again shouted, now.

I looked back. Noticing a girl in white coat and one with yellow one. I took my shades off but on the nose level.

"Will you two please be quiet?" I asked halfly ordered. I saw my luggage and reached fo it when someone hold on a grip for it.

"Hey! That's mine!" I shouted. I reached for my bag but he took it away from me. "Hey!" I reached again and of course, again, he took it away. Now I am hugging him. Oh shit.

I took off of him and settled my leather jacket. I looked around and hoped nothing would look and no one cares. Thank god.

"Are you Jazmine Zarahmia Prerie?" The boy with the tall figure who fucking stole my shits. I nodded. "We've been looking for you for hours now. You told your mother that your flight was 10 pm last night. It's fucking 10 am in the morning!" He shouted before he rolled my bag. "Why do you even care?" I saw my other luggage and rolled it out. Following closely behind him as he lead the way.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked him. He looked at me and smirked. "You'll stop swearing at me like that when we reach our house." I looked at him questionly.

"Our?" I asked.

"Yes, our." He assured me then jumped in the driver's seat. I took the back seat assuming that he's my driver. By the looks? Oh my god. He looks less than a beggar. He is wearing a white top with gray dirt smashed all over it and a gray beanie. He looks like a drug addict and would rape me but, where's my right there?

I took my glasses on again and leaned againts the glass window when he accidentally, yes accidentally, drove over a hump and I banged my head on the tinted window.

"How fucking shit did you do that?" I asked him angrily. He just chuckled, shrugged and banged the door open.

I didin't recognize that this was already our house.

I got off and surprised by his actions.

"Is my mom seriously crazy? She hired a fucking driver like you?" I asked him. He just turned to me and turned to the door.

"Surprise." He whispered then the door suddenly opens. Showing my almost teary eyed mom.

She came to me and hugged me. I was the one who first let go.

"Mom? Why did you hire this crazy phyco? As our driver? Seriously mom?" I said to her. They both chuckled. She shifted to my side and the beggar on my side and then layed an arm over my shoulders.

"This crazy phyco you were saying was," she paused and turned to the beggar and they both winked. "Your father." The fuck?!

I turned to them angry yet confused face glued on mine.

Like the actual shit?!

He is my father?!

I'm Jazmine Zarahmia Prerie. 18. London. Single. And about to kill myself after what my mom had just said.


New story! Plus! It is a daddy kink! Guess who's who!

Comment who do you think 'daddy' is.

The winner will can be able to join this story.

Just first say your name then type who's the daddy. I'll choose who's the winner. Winners will be posted on the next few chapters. Then! Also attach your twitter username, I might follow a few.


Kiana. I think it's Liam? @KianaClarity7

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