Can't be me when I want to be

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Can’t be me when I want to be

As I stare into the light,

I can see my life,

As I can see all the flaws,

From my life to how I look

How I feel

How I see

The things around me change

But I stay the same

Plain old me

With no future seen

Through the mirror glass ball

That stands on the table

You believe it is true

All the lies people spread

And shun me out

Send me away

So I hardly see you

To this day.

I try and change

But only into someone that is not me

I don’t want to be someone I’m not

But that is why I stopped the act

Because people should like me for whom I am

And not who I act out to be

The shy little girl

With no one for back up

Except her family.

I never wanted to act shy

But I find it hard to talk

Because of being judged

And what people will think about me

So I shun away

But it is tearing me up inside.

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