Chapter 3 inside the walls

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Zernia that is the last name she remembers of a time long past of a war that once raged work set of lights arrived on the planet it allowed them to do things never fought before never dreamed of before it was a blessing and a miracle, but all dreams must end at some point. Visions remain now of such time of streets blanketed in Hellfire of screams in the distance blood's caking the walls painting the world red ships off to seed new worlds or at least that was the dream visions crackle and fade like a fire's ember. it isn't until ghost is cold in her name that she realises these visions are not ones that she is seeing the ones that she has lived through, but these faded embers are not dreams but memories memories that should have been forgotten long ago.

"Ghost ugh, why did you wake me? are we within the walls?" she asked coarsely, her throat dry.

"Sort of" the small sphere of light replies "where within the tower it's a safe haven for guardians and where the vanguard resides, and we have to dock here so that we can find out where we're going to be positioned so that we can start helping people" ghost looks down almost in shame "I didn't think I'd find you so I... I never agreed formally to sign this up for anything I wanted to keep her options open I... I didn't think I'd find you. But!" ghost exclaims excitedly "this also means we can choose whatever we want we can work for Ikora and be one of her hidden, or under commander Zavala as one of the vanguard scouts, or even under Cayde as one of his... his.... I actually don't know who is under Cayde, it doesn't matter we can choose where we want to go we can work for the vanguard or we can do our own thing and we can change it anytime we need it." I don't like the idea of working under someone but if it means that we get a roof over our heads and some supplies and we help people then I guess I have no choice.

"Alright then, way too little light?" I laugh a little at my own joke at least until ghost turns around quickly almost seriously, they reply "Don't call me that! I may be little but I'm lot stronger than you think."

"Alright then what should I call you instead? you do have a name other than ghost correct I really don't want to call you that it's not exactly like we aren't going to be stuck together from now on." ghost pauses for a moment almost mulling over my words "Echo" they reply swiftly "how about Echo? ghost's normally have names, but our guardians do call us somethings"

I'm all over the name it does sound good rolls off the tongue, and it does remind me I suppose of the moon after all we did hear a lot of echoey screams I guess that could work why not maybe all of land like the name "Alright then Echo it is, instead of calling me guardian how bout you call me Zernia after all I think that's my name"

"Strange you shouldn't remember your name no guardian remembers anything when they wake up"

"Thats odd I had these visions when I was asleep in the ship I remember hearing someone shout Zernia, and a battle I don't want to mother over right now, let's just go to the vanguard right."

As me and ghost exit the hangar were greeted by a woman with shortcut blonde hair and an American accent "howdy my name is Amanda, Amanda Holiday but almost everyone calls me miss holiday I don't really care either way, you two new recruits? so all is going to be looking for you he's over in the hub, your ghost should know the way"

"Thank you, Miss Holiday, we'll probably be back for the ship we'll talk to you later" I replied to her though brisk and we do have an objective to complete. Echo and I begin to make our way out of the hangar where were greeted by courtyard full of life guardians and ghosts of different heights and armours, different degrees of colour it's mesmerising I had no idea there were so many of us. we walk briskly past them we have to go and see Zavala who is downstairs along with ikora Rey and Cayde-6, from what ghost has told me these three are the 'vanguard' they are in charge of the three main classes of guardians Hunter, Titan and Warlock.

as we make our way down the stairs we pass an old woman, at least I think she's old she seems to be looking through me with these green glowing eyes I don't think I should deal with her right now as when they think Echo informs me that that is eris morn she's the most knowledgeable on creatures known as the hive, the ones that attacked us on the moon he says that if we need to ask any questions about them we should go to her.

We also pass a burly man I believe at least he stole abroad and muscular from the scenes of it echo tells me that he is Lord shaxx and is in charge of the Crucible where guardians fight one another for strength and for practise we should probably cheque it out later but again we need to see the vanguard.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2021 ⏰

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