The Arrival

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"Dad you know this is a bad idea please don't send me up there!" I explained to my father.

You see, my father Lucifer, yes the demon king, wanted to send me River Luciferian, up the the *gags* SURFACE! He says "The only thing you will learn in the high schools around here is how to sUrViVe." Well dad, maybe I want to do that! I mean yeah, I'm single and unpopular but that never stopped me before!

"River, We have to go, if we don't you wont get the throne." My sister said to me.

Maybe this overworld thing wont be SO bad. I will probably enjoy it.

Before i could even put on my backpack completely, I was poofed up to the overworld looking a little something like this.

Before i could even put on my backpack completely, I was poofed up to the overworld looking a little something like this

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art done terribly for time.

MY DAD DIDN'T EVEN LET ME GET READY! For his sake, I'd think he'd let his own son get ready for his first day of high school!

I'd smell myself. GOD DAMNIT I FORGOT TO SHOWER MYSELF IN BODY SPRAY AGAIN. I hope this new principle has a house for us.

"Riv, could you be any slower than a waterfall of lava? We need to go." Zodiac said to me as i walked twoard the school.

Lord take Zodiac I am not fucking ready for this day.

"You two must be our new transfer students from down below! Welcome to Canterlot High! As you can see, my assistant Relay Report and his girlfriend Callisto Delta have your schedules and house key. There is a car waiting outside for you, that will take you to the house you will both be staying in for the next four years. You are allowed to visit hell on weekends and school breaks. You start tomorrow. Now please, go have some fun." Principal Celestia said to us both.

Despite us being demons, her and her assistants were very nice, I got that Callisto girls phone number but I'm not sure if my special phone works here. I destroy all regular technological devices I come into contact with, atleast demon tech. Zodiac may have to River-proof our house. We got to our house and Zodiac did have to River-proof it. I took a shower and spent the rest of the day with my sister out on the town exploring, We got home a little late but we still got up in time to go to school the next morning.

The Luciferian kids take on Canterlot High?Where stories live. Discover now