The First Day

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"Here it is! The first day!!! Dia are you excited?" I said to my sister.

"River, just shut the fuck up, it's too early for this shit and we have to leave so we aren't late." Zodiac replied to me.

"We're walking???" I asked her.

"No dipshit, theres a car outside for us." She replied to me.

We walked outside and I was estatic. My first day at a human high school. Or so I thought. The person who was showing us around was named Sunset Shimmer, the people we met yesterday were also there. Sunset was extremely cool and chill. I got her number.

I arrived at my first class. It was weird. I thought only humans went to this school but there was a half wolf girl!

I went up to her. I said hi and she glared at me and sat down. She was honestly kinda rude lmao.

I sat down, of course my first class was math. I wondered how Zodiac was doing. I couldn't text her. Since it was only the second day of school the teacher wasn't really going over anything. So she let us go on our phones.

Relay was in my class, because aparently i was stuffed into a college level math class, or this kid took algebra 1 for funsies. I'm sure he took it for funsies because this class was totally algebra 1. Relay is one chill bastard. We talked for the ENTIRE class period. And it turned out we had the same lunch period! He invited me and Zodiac to sit with him and his girlfriend. He wasn't sure if Sunset Shimmer would sit with them because she had her own friends.

Despite being a raging she-demon the year before, she was soooo nice. I might've developed a tiny crush on her... Hey! I'm a teenage boy, what can I say?! I mean, yeah sure I don't know her very well but I've heard enough about her to warrant a crush. I really wanna be friends with that wolf girl. I feel like i've seen her before. She looks like my ex-girlfriend, Cobalt. Cobalt's family was dirt poor though, they could never afford a fare up to the overworld for their daughter to go to school. And then my suspicions were correct. Her name was called. Cobalt Willow. I was in shock. Not because I hated her! Hell, to be honest, I still love that cold hearted bitch. Her on the other paw, haha get it because shes a wolf, hated my fucking guts for no reason at all.

It's almost as if I had broken up with her. Which I didn't. It was 8th grade, we were inseparable. She saw a guy who looked vaguely like me in the hallway kissing his girlfriend and thought it was me! I mean yeah, sure, we were in 8th grade. But my parents met in 7th grade and look at them now! Happy as ever!

Cobalt was a bitch to me too. She constantly hit me and played it off as a joke. It's why I flinch when someone tries to give me a high five. It was time for History. Sunset was in this class and I tried my best not to look at her but I think I did catch a glance. I don't know what I see in her honesty, she's just so beautiful... Her teal eyes, her sunset colored hair, her  freckles, her sun-kissed skin. She would never like a guy like me though... Wait, that makes me sound like a pick me boy... Ignore that. Please.

Lunchtime at last! Sadly Zodiac doesn't have the same lunch period as me... But Sunset did end up sitting with Relay, Callisto and I.

"Principal Celestia told me you were Satan's son, correct?" Relay asked.

"Yeah, actually." I had replied

Me and Zodiac were supposed to be disguised but my father hadn't realized we didn't learn that. So everyone was amazed that two kids with horns wings and a tail showed up to their school.

I kept glaring at Sunset hoping she would notice me. I guess thats all it took because she did indeed notice me.

"Hey, is it River?" She asked me.


"Yeah it is." I said.

Secretly I was hoping she'd text me "meet me in the guys bathroom" But she didn't.

"You're really cool and we should hang out sometime." She said

Callisto chimed in. "Ooooh, Sunset!"

Callisto was fairly dark and had blue hair. She was wearing a maroon beanie and a red hoodie with some jeans and one blue sneaker and one red one.

Relay was slightly dark and wore a green button up shirt with a red tie and some khakis. He was matching with Callisto I suppose because he had the red and blue sneakers on the opposite feet.

The day concluded and I spent the rest of it with my sister. Me and Sunset had plans to go to the park and walk on saturday so i'm obviously looking forward to that.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2021 ⏰

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