The Commoner

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I mean yes there are one-shots and stories like this, although it tends to escalate, it's not as common.

I see the reason as to why, due to the fact it's harder to get a kickstart with the 104th and the rest of the main military status characters.

However it can be solved by the character/reader financially, verbally, or physically aiding the required rejement of choice.

This oftentimes leads to them to joining the said rejement, or becoming a great aid on the sidelines. The problem is, is that it's rather cliché and there's no twist.

I'm not downgrading it or anything, just saying it's predictable in some ways.

Due to the fact I like challenges.

Here's one : Try and get them off the love intrest list and on the commoner friend/family/stranger one, it would make for a much more interesting story/one-shot, being as it involves more material to use.

Also none of that Ackerman stuff, think farther from that, use a name generator or something, just be creative with it.

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