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Harriet grins in thrill at Sylvie's response. She flicks her wand and suddenly everyone has a shot glass on the table in front of them.

Then, Harriet pulls out a small glass vile from her pocket and adds a drop of it's liquid into everyone's glasses. "Veritaserum," she says simply. "It's enough to stop yourself from answering questions incorrectly, but not enough to stop yourself from lying off the bat. Perfect for this game, really."

"So like you said before, we'll have to tell the truth when we answer the questions, or else we'll cause ourselves pain; but it's not strong enough to stop us from lying when we're not asked questions?" Sylvie confirms.

"Correct," says Harriet. "Let's start off with someone and then work our way around the table. Who wants to start?"

Everyone looks around at each other unsurely. No one seems to be shouting 'yes!' or raising their hands eagerly.

"Why don't you start, Harriet?" Elijah suggests, a grin on his lips.

"Me?" Harriet responds with her eyebrows creased. "No. No way. I'm not going first. I suggested we play this game."

"Well exactly." Dean shakes his head in amusement. "You know more about this game than everyone else."

"Fine," says Harriet with determination. "Someone ask me a question."

"Did Cedric tell you what the next TriWizard task is?" Isabel asks curiously.

"All he knows is that's it's something to do with water," answers Harriet truthfully, and Isabel's shoulders drop in disappointment, probably hoping for more information.

"Water?" Lee-Jordan frowns in deep thought. "Maybe it will be a swimming competition! Harry should definitely win that."

"Potter's about as close to gaining his eyesight back than winning," Draco states, and Blaise, Elijah and Dalton snigger. Dean doesn't say anything, but he doesn't seem particularly impressed either.

"Well at this point, Cedric can drown for all I care," huffs Harriet. From the outside she's putting on a frustrated mask, but Sylvie knows that it's actually hurt she's feeling. Cedric better ask Harriet to the ball soon, or else Sylvie has some plans to deal with him herself.

"Is Potter dating that Granger?" Cormac doesn't waste any time asking Lee-Jordan when it's his turn to play.

Lee-Jordan laughs incredulously and Sylvie has to adjust herself in her seat when she sees how wide his mouth opens. "What? You think Hermione is dating Harry? They're just friends."

As Cormac gives a satisfied smirk, Sylvie relaxes a little. She'd rather he be interested in Hermione than herself.

"Now enough about Potter," ushers Draco. "His name is boring me to death."

"Yeah," agrees Elijah, taking a swig of his fire-whisky, "let's get to the good stuff."

Stephanie is up next. She looks slightly nervous as she waits to be asked a question.

"What's one of Harriet's worst personality traits?" Dean asks with a smug smile that means he thinks he's just said the most savage thing ever.

"That's easy. It would have to be the way she switches moods within seconds. One second she'll be giving you a death glare, and the next she'll be running up to give you a hug!"

Harriet laughs in agreement, before everyone promptly directs their attention to Isabel, who is sat next to Stephanie.

"Who here would you date other than your boyfriend?"

Isabel casts her blue eyes around the table with a hesitant expression. "Out of respect for my baby, Dal, I won't say."

Dalton doesn't know whether to be relieved, confused, or angry. He shrugs his thick, jet-black fringe out of his eyes.

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