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The start of the next week flies by with the excitement of the upcoming holidays. Now that school exams are over, everyone's lessons are pretty laidback.

On Wednesday morning, Sylvie gets out of bed as usual and opens her advent calendar designed by Fred and George. So far, she has a collection of; farting gas, Puking Pasties, a screaming yo-yo, a Boxing Telescope, a Fanged Flyer, an Extendable Ear, and a bunch of other random pranks.

With curiosity, Sylvie proceeds to open up number twenty. It's definitely the longest but narrowest hatch.

She pulls out a basic looking brown wand and frowns to herself.

Vivienne steps out of the bathroom with soaking wet hair and a towel wrapped around herself. "What did you get?"

"Well...it's a wand."

"Really? That's bizarre." Vivienne walks over to her drawer. "Let me open mine."

Within a few moments later, the exact same wand is in Vivienne's hand too. She analyses it carefully. "This is definitely...strange."

"Maybe it's a prank within itself?" suggests Sylvie. "Like it's just a fake wand that does absolutely nothing."

"Why would Fred and George do that?"

Sylvie points her index finger knowingly. "Ahah! That's the point of the prank."

"Let's just ask them. We have a toy version of them for a reason."

Vivienne walks over to her drawer and pulls out two plastic figures of Fred and George. It's been a while since they last had to call for them; everything they've opened has been pretty self explicit.

"Do you think we need the both of them to work?" Vivienne wiggles both of them up in the air.

"Well of course," chimes Fred, his mouth moving robotically but his voice lively. "You can't have one without the other."

"You know, Fred," joins in George, "I was thinking exactly-"

"-the same?" Fred finishes - like what usually happens during conversations with the both of them.

"Actually, Fred, I was going to say 'exactly the opposite.' Only one of us, really, needs to be talking right now. Remember? I was quite clever when we started this creation of ours."

"And you still haven't told us how you are even doing this," Sylvie states. "Am I talking to the real Fred and George or are you just fakes?"

Fred gasps. "Fakes? Now that's really low of you."

"You're made out of plastic," Vivienne points out with a chuckle.

"Correct. Plastic, iron, gold, diamond," George lists; "We're made in every version."

"Godly - some may call us," quips Fred.

"Ok, ok," Sylvie sighs. "Can you use your 'Godly' qualities and tell us what to do with these wands?"

"Have you given them a whirl?" George questions.

"No," says Vivienne doubtfully. "We wanted to check with you before just in case these weren't meant to be boxed up."

"As co-owner of Weasley's Wizard's Wheezes, I am quite sure that those wands were put in our calendar intentionally," announces Fred proudly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2022 ⏰

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