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Hey guys, it's been a few years, hasn't it... Sorry about that.

I honestly have a lot to say but am not quite sure how to put it all into words, so this is going to hopefully be a short read for you all. But basically, I have good and bad news.

The bad news:

So, evidently, I have been gone for over a year. No updates or anything. The reason? Well, fandom-wise, I'm just not really into Hetalia anymore. I've moved on I guess? Surprising, I know. Hetalia's the fandom nobody can leave once you first join and I guess I just did the impossible.

My other reasons for my inactivity have been due to mental health problems and just general stress about life. Add, y'know, the whole pandemic happening and my autistic ass being unable to cope with it properly, especially without the proper supports I've needed for the past almost 2 years, then you got a recipe for my life becoming a complete dumpster fire.

So yeah... overall, I just kind of lost motivation I guess. There's also the fact I don't use Wattpad anymore to write or read and instead I've moved over to AO3. I haven't written or transferred my stories over to there yet, but I plan to eventually. Unfortunately, this is likely only this story with be posted on there. Maybe Reconnection. Who knows. I'm into new fandoms so don't expect new Hetalia fics. Anyways, follow me there! Shameless plug let's go! https://archiveofourown.org/users/anonth

Anyways, time for...

The good news:

Aside from the fact that I am still planning to write, albeit, on a different website — I'll still update it on here, but ao3 might get updates a day before Wattpad does and I have to reformat everything for each site — I have actually decided to continue this story... However, not only will I be continuing it, but I will also be rewriting basically the entire first and second chapter and whatever else I have in my drafts!


Well, so, the funny thing is, I actually started writing this fic before I started high school, which is admittedly a bit crazy for me to think about considering I'm starting my second last year of it now. So basically what I'm saying is now I — unfortunately — have experience in high school and have a much better understanding of what it's like. Before I was just going off of vague ideas of what it was like from my sister, other fanfiction, and media. And let me tell you, 2/3 of those things are almost always completely inaccurate.

So yeah, I've basically decided I wanted to pick up this story again and make it at least a little bit more realistic, but not to the point it's boring.

I'll be touching on a lot more serious topics in this series  —  Oh yeah. I'm still writing a prequel for this by the way — including LGBTQ+ issues and experiences, childhood trauma, bad parents and neurodivergent experiences. All topics I'll be touching on I have knowledge on, whether it be from personal experiences or second-hand. I will do my best to handle these topics with care, and if I ever step out of line, please do let me know and I will do my best to educate and fix myself.

I will be properly tagging everything at the start of each chapter, but if these topics ever make you uncomfortable in any way, then please prioritize your mental health first and don't read if you don't feel comfortable doing so.

And... So yeah! That's all I have to say for now. I am currently working on rewriting the entire first chapter right now. Once the new first chapter is out, I will likely be unpublishing the second chapter as it would no longer make sense with the first chapter anymore as I am drastically — and I mean drastically  changing the story, including its plot and character relationships. It's going to have a very different vibe, but not at the same time? The main plot point of Hanahaki and romance is staying... and I promise not to leave for another 2 years again after saying I'd update the story.

Anyways, keep an eye out for the next update and to all those who have stuck around and waited for me for some reason, I seriously applaud you.

As always, thank you for reading this surprise A/N and I hope you all have a wonderful day and/or night where ever you are!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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